It’s that time of year again to start registering for the Times Colonist 10km Race. There are registration forms and information in the office.
The Zone is looking at putting a team together for the race!
“Create a team of 10 or more with your co-workers, friends or family. Start recruiting today, Register your team and all your team members by March 25, 2011 and we will customize your Corporate Team Shirts! Create a funky team name, wear a silly costume, set crazy challenges, and your team may win a Team Category Award or the coveted Team Spirit Award.”
Who wants to be a part of the Zone Team? Please post to the comments!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Back Squat Heavy 3 – 2 min warmup, 8 min to ramp up to a heavy (but not max) 3 reps. Take as many sets as you want.
Push Press Heavy 3 – 2 min warmup, 8 min to ramp up to a heavy (but not max) 3 reps. Take as many sets as you want.
WOD – “Hail Mary”
This is a take on the original “Mary” workout which is a 20min amrap of hspu, pistols, and pullups. This version provides more flexibility in how you achieve reps in the amrap but keeps the fun of two of the more challenging crossfit gymnastics moves.
8 min amrap to achieve as many total reps of hspu and pistols as possible (all pistol reps count – 1right, 1 left = 2 reps)
Break up the reps any way you like but you must achieve reps of both hspu and pistols
Rx – Unsupported pistols, hspu to the floor
Zone 4 – hspu to one abmat (girls and guys)
Zone 3 – supported pistols (with red band), scale hspu as needed (but still fully inverted)
Zone 2 – scale hspu and pistols as needed
Zone 1 – scale wod as needed
GAMES PREP – non-kipping hspu on a deficit (i.e. hands on plates or parallettes)
Cash Out – Lacrosse ball upper back, pecs, shoulders!!