We had a great turnout yesterday morning beginning the 300km challenge with Rob and Donald! Thanks to everyone who came out to support them. Krista, Lani and Deanna started off the run with the boys and finished about 9km in at approximately 45minutes. Rob and Donald completed the marathon in 3:57:12. Hope to get a few more athletes out this am 🙂
Buy In – Get nice and warm and psyched for the WOD!
WOD – “Perpetual Motion”
Elite/Zone 3: Perform 3 rounds of the following exercises
• 10 Wallballs
• 10 knees to elbows
• 10 pushups
• 10 squats
• 10 kb swings (35/55)
• 10 double unders
• 10 overhead squats (bar only)
• 10 inverted rows (feet on level with hands
• 10 db push press (25/40)
• 10 pull-ups
• 10 thrusters (bar only)
• 10 walking lunges
Zone 2: scale db push press weight, pull-ups adjust as needed
Zone 1: 2 rounds
Cash Out – Stretchy Stretch!