Hey Gang!
So by now most of you know we’re having a Halloween theme workout on Saturday October 30. There will only be one workout that day and it will run at 10am… be sure to show up by 945am to mingle and show off your costume! Here are the ground rules:
- There is a theme – halloween. But there is no actual “theme” to the costumes… be what you want to be!!!
- Animal hats give you extra points… see above
- You must do the WOD in your chosen outfit so possibly short skirts and heels are out… up to your discretion!!
- Feel free to bring candy – this can be paleo or not!
- Possible dance off to “Thriller”
- Possible dance off to “Monster Mash”
- Team WOD, guaranteed good time, oh, and it will be a hard one 😉
- This is an “Open Class” to all members with a current membership (no charge)
That’s about it, should be an awesome time, can’t wait to see what costumes come out of the woodwork.
See you there!
Yoga: Remember that Yoga will be tonight! If you are planning on attending Yoga tonight at 7:45pm please sign in “online” or email deanna@crossfitzone.ca before 4:00pm. If no one signs in to class, there will be no Yoga class. Thanks!
Today’s Workout:
Buy-in: 5 x 5 Back Squat, working up to a heavy 5. If you know your 1RM, all sets should be at or above 75%
WOD: “Stump Jumper”
8 minute AMRAP of:
- 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (85/115)
- 10 up and over box jumps (24/30)
- 10 squats
Zone 3: Scale to 65/95, boxes to 20/24
Zone 2: Scale to 45/65, boxes as needed
Zone 1: Scale as needed
All reps successfully completed count for your score!
Cash-Out: Group stretch, follow the leader.