Every single human being needs vitamins and minerals in order to survive. Bar none. Vitamins are those organic food substances which are found only in living things such as plants and animals. The body is not normally able to synthesize or manufacture vitamins, and so they must be supplied either directly in the diet, or by way of dietary supplements. Vitamins are vital if our body is to function normally. They are absolutely necessary for our growth, general-well being and vitality! In the past, all of the nutrients that people need could be easily taken into the body through food. However, in recent times the foods people eat that were once packed with nutrients aren’t as full of them any more, and people are choosing more and more often to eat foods that are basically void of nutrition. This is a major problem for people’s health!
Why do you need vitamins and minerals? Well, the simple answer is that they are essential to you living a long and healthy life. Without them you will get sick and you could die. Ever heard of Scurvy? What about Rickets? Anemia? These are just a few examples of the serious deficiency diseases caused by lack of proper vitamin intake.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for all the parts of our body to function correctly. Let’s take a couple examples. Vegetarians in particular need vitamin B12, which is often lacking from the vegetarian diet. Vegetarians and vegans are also at a high risk for anemia, one of the more common blood disorders caused by low blood iron levels. Anemia can cause a variety of complications, including fatigue and stress on bodily organs. People who do not consume milk products lose out on vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Many people can benefit from the vitamin A in fish oil and flaxseed oil, which has mood regulating benefits and may be helpful in preventing heart disease. Vitamin C is a vitamin that helps boost a person’s immune system, is an antioxidant, and it also helps with the healing of wounds.
So, while a balanced diet is great, you need to be sure you’re getting all of the nutrients you need to live a healthy lifestyle. In order to do this, it is highly recommended that you supplement your foods with a quality nutritional health supplement. Taking a daily multivitamin is an inexpensive and easy way to be sure you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your dietary needs, and get help figuring out which supplement is right for you.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! We’re planning a CrossFit Zone Christmas party! We’d like to hold it at the Bard and Banker pub, on the evening of Sat. Dec. 12th, but we need YOUR input! If you’re interested in attending, Please post your intentions in the comments section. We need to have an idea of numbers in order to plan and book this holiday party properly! Remember: POST TO COMMENTS A.S.A.P. WHETHER OR NOT YOU THINK YOU’D BE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING. If you prefer, you can tell a coach at the gym. But please do it soon! There will be more info and specific details to follow once we have an idea of numbers. Thanks for your help, everyone!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Hang Squat snatch technique
WOD – Games 09 Snatch – Wallball (adjusted)
Elite: 5 rounds for time of:
- 20 hang squat snatch (55/75)
- 20 wallball (14/20)
Zone 4: scale to 45/65
Zone 3: scale to 35/55, 3 OR 5 rounds
Zone 2: scale wallballs to 10/14, scale snatch to 25/45, 3 rounds
Zone 1: wallballs scale as needed, snatch scaled as needed, 3 rounds of 15
Cash Out – Ring front extensions (core) 3 x 10