Hey all,
Couple of get-togethers happening Wednesday and Sunday.
First and foremost, Wednesday at 730 will feature our first WEducation seminar – this one focusing on injury prevention in the CrossFit setting. I’ll cover both acute and chronic injury and introduce some key preventative exercises for areas that are prone to injury. The seminar will run for about 1-1.25 hours and there will be a fair amount of sitting, so my advice is to bring a full set of warm clothes and perhaps a blanket to share with a friend! If anyone’s willing to put together some hot chocolate or something of that description that would be great also.
This seminar is FREE as a perk of your membership at the Zone. A lot of places charge extra for this type of info session but our philosophy is that the more education we all have, the stronger we become, so come on out!! For anyone who is not a member but would like to attend, the cost is $20. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Competitive Aspirations.
As this year comes to an end, a new year of various levels of CrossFit competitions will begin. It is now the end of November, which means that if this year is similar to last year, there are only 4 short months until the BC Sectional comes around. The time to start is NOW because if you wait on it there will be way too many goats to work on all at once.
With that in mind, this coming Sunday Nov 28, I will host a meeting for anyone who is interested in competing (individual or team) at any level in the coming year. The focus will be building towards the Sectionals and hopefully Regionals after that but anyone who has set a goal to compete next year is welcome to come and participate. I’ll discuss how to do a gap analysis of your fitness, plan your training, and we’ll decide on some regular “extra” wods to tune us up a bit.
At 430pm, we’ll meet at the Zone and do the WOD from Monday of this week. At about 530pm, we’ll start the discussion. Come on out and fill the Zone with some motivated energy! Oh and bring some warm clothes! If you have any questions or comments, zip me an email at cam(at)crossfitzone.ca
Today’s Workout:
Buy-in: 4 rounds of – 5 inchworms, 50 single skips, 10 overhead squats (bar or pvc)
WOD: Row-Ring
Elite – for time:
- 800m row
- 18 ring dips
- 600m row
- 14 ring dips
- 400m row
- 10 ring dips
- 200m row
- 6 ring dips
Zone 3 – scale to assisted ring dips
Zone 2 – scale to pushups (from knees or toes)
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash-Out: Follow the leader stretching