You know what’s great about a CrossFit Gym? It’s way different than your average Globo-Gym!
…..Or is it?
Actually, it’s not. Because, just like in any other gym on the planet, hygiene in our CrossFit gym matters. In a nutshell, good hygiene is a BIG deal. Especially in an environment filled with germs just waiting to attack. Practicing good hygiene habits will not only keep you and others from getting sick, but it will also save you from potential infections, and other yucky things. After all: germs are everywhere!
At a Globo-Gym, all the members seem to be religiously dedicated about regularly wiping down the gym equipment that they use, even if they don’t really get all it that sweaty. Think about how sweaty (and sometimes even bloody!) we get at a CrossFit gym…..yet we rarely remember to wipe everything down when we’re done. Do your friends and yourself a favour and be sure to clean any and all sweat, blood, spit, tears, and other messes off before you leave for the day. Let’s try and do this more often, so we can all have a ‘fresh start’ when we pick up a piece of equipment!
Another thing that goes without saying is to always wash your hands before and after you work out! The gym is, without a doubt, one of the biggest germ and bacterial infested places you can be in. Just think about it; from the early a.m. hours until the gym closes, people are coming and going, sweating and grunting all day! Not even the best cleaning crew in town could keep all the equipment 100% germ free, 24 hours a day. It’s just not feasible. So folks, PLEASE wash your hands before and after each workout if you want to avoid both spreading and contracting illnesses.
Just as a hot soapy shower after an intense CrossFit workout is a must to help us rinse off the sweat and become fresh again, the same goes for our workout clothes and gym shoes! Really try not to use the same gym clothes and gear every session. It can be easy to fall into a pattern of just leaving them at work, or stuffing them into a handy gym bag, and then putting them back on again the next time you want to get your WOD on. But it’s important to take them home and wash them before wearing them again. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that nasty germs and not-so-sweet smells can live in your clothes, too! Best to maintain a routine in which you clean ‘em up, switch ‘em out, and keep ‘em fresh!
Thanks for doing your part to help keep our gym as healthy an environment as we’d like our bodies to be! 😉
Today’s Workout:
Buy-in: 4 rounds of – 10 kettlebell swings, 10 double crunch, 10 step-down box jumps
- Followed by technique work for handstand pushup variations (10 mins)
WOD: “Diane”
A classic Crossfit workout, Diane is a toughie for sure. Times as fast as just over 2 minutes have been recorded but most athletes are stalled on the handstand pushups and this wod can stretch easily to over 10 minutes. Make sure to scale appropriately and be safe if you choose to go inverted. If you have shoulder issues of any kind consider the scaling options listed below (which will still be a heck of a workout!).
Elite – For time: 21-15-9 rep rounds of Deadlifts (155/225) and Handstand Pushups
Zone 5: Scale deadlift to 135/205
Zone 4: Scale deadlift to 115/175, handstand pushups to 1 ab mat (male) 2 ab mats (girls)
Zone 3: Scale deadlift to 95/135, modify hspu’s as needed – off box or go to pushups either on floor or on rings
Zone 2: Scale deadlift to 65 / 95lbs; modify hanstand pushups as needed
Zone 1: Scale deadlift as needed
Cash-Out: Foam roll and stretch as a group, cheer on your buddies