The time has come to announce the OFFICIAL WORKOUT for the Whole Life Challenge Fall 2013!
Remember… this is not the required workout. One of the important things to remember (and one of the biggest difference between the WLC and almost every other challenge out there) is that it’s purpose is to meet you where YOU ARE and challenge you to take appropriately small steps just beyond your comfort zone.
In the case of the workout, RELEVANCE to you and your life is key. So, if you feel a different workout would suit your specific purposes and life better, DO IT! Go for it!
We will be testing this workout as a group on Saturday, September 7th at 10am. Location TBD. If you are unable to do the workout with the group, you are welcome to come to the gym when it is open to test or do it on your own in the convenience of your own yard.
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WLC Fall 2013 Official Workout
Complete the following for maximum points:
2 min – 25 yd Shuttle Run
– complete as many 25 yd runs as possible between two cones (or marks)
– (5 points for each complete 25yds)
– 1 min rest –
2 min – complete as many reps as possible, repeating the following sequence:
5 push ups
15 squats
(1 point for each Push-up and Squat)
– 1 min rest –
2 min – complete as many reps as possible of:
Sit Ups
(1 point for each sit-up)
– 1 min rest –
2 min – 25 yd Shuttle Run
– complete as many 25 yd runs as possible between two cones (or marks)
– (5 points for each complete 25yds)
Calculate your TOTAL points for all 4 elements and enter it into your profile of the WLC site.
If you are still looking at doing the Whole Life Challenge and have not registered, you can do so at: Remember that you receive one extra session per week free to help you along the way with your challenge.