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WOD for the kids

Hi Team,

The One School One day fundraiser is today!  Come and join your fellow Zoners in a workouts from 8am – 8pm.

You can still register for classes online at:

You don’t have to WOD to donate:

You can also bring money in to the gym for your donation as well.  Please bring cash only!

* Receipts will be given for any donation of $20 and over *


08:00:00 AM    Annie
09:00:00 AM    Baseline
10:00:00 AM    Cindy
11:00:00 AM    Diane
12:00:00 PM    Elizabeth
01:00:00 PM    Fran
02:00:00 PM    Grace
03:00:00 PM    Helen
04:00:00 PM    Isabel
05:00:00 PM    Jackie
06:00:00 PM    Kelly
07:00:00 PM    Mary

I had a request for people to post to the comments which wods they are doing, so that they have some competition 😉

Please feel free to bring any dishes or treats to share with  the competitors and spectators.


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