The Holiday Throwdown begins on Thursday, December 15th. You have until Monday, December 19th to complete the workouts. Check out the workouts below. Looks as though it needs to be video taped to count. So if you are able to bring in a camera and someone to video tape you, then we will be able to do the workouts together.
1 Christmas Power Snatch (95# / 65#)
2 Ring dips
3 Burpees
4 Pull-ups
5 Toes-2-Bar
6 Push-ups
7 Air-Squats
8 Walking Lunges (each step = 1)
9 Box Jumps (24″ for Men & Women)
10 10′ Wall-Balls (20# / 14#)
11 KBS (53# / 35#)
12 Thrusters (95# / 65#)
This workout is done just like the song….Round 1 = 1 Christmas Power Snatch, Round 2 = 2 Ring Dips and 1 Power Snatch ….etc. Until all 12 rounds are complete. See “RULES” below for movement standards.
PART 2 (max weight):
PART 3 (for time):
20 Double-Unders (UNBROKEN.. Breaks start over)
12 Dead-Lifts (205# / 145#)
1. The movement standards are CrossFit standards.
2. Video submission MUST include three parts. You don’t need to keep video running during the rest (we trust you)
3. Standards for “12 Days of Christmas”
Power Snatch: must stand up with bar overhead inline with shoulders, hips,and heels
Ring Dips: shoulder below elbow at bottom; full lock out at top
Burpees: chest to deck and a jump at top with an overhead clap inline with shoulders, hips, and heels
Pull ups: chin CLEARLY over the horizontal plane of the bar; kipping or butterflies are acceptable
T2B: means BOTH feet TOUCH the bar
Push ups: chest to deck and full extension at the top
Air Squats: hips CLEARLY below parallel and 100% OPEN at the top. No mutedhips (It’s only 7)
Walking Lunges: back knee needs to touch the ground and hips 100% OPEN at the top
Box Jumps: cycling is acceptable; make sure hips are 100% OPEN at the top. Entire foot on top of the box is NOT required.
Wall Balls: full depth on the squat and hit the target at required height
KBS: top of KB overhead inline with shoulders, hips, and heals
Thrusters: shoulders, hips, and heals should be inline at the top
4. Part 2 OHS: Hips CLEARLY below parallel and 100% OPEN at the top. Racks areallowed.
5. Part 3 Double Unders: UNBROKEN means UNBROKEN. If you trip up on a attempt before 20, start again.
6. Part 3 Dead Lifts: touch-and-go is allowed but NO BOUNCING. This will be strictly enforced. Dropping the weight at top of last rep is allowed.
7. Top score of Part 1 has lowest time; Top score of Part 2 has heaviest OHS (in lbs); Top score of Part 3 has lowest time.
8. The three parts will be scored separately and equally.
9. The winner will have the lowest combined score.
First High Performance training session getting ready for the Open this evening at 7:30pm. Remember to send your 3 goals in before the workout!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Shoulder press 5 x 3 reps
- Increase weight each set
- Keep the core tight and chest high to prevent arching in the back on the upward path of the bar
- Play around with some of the mobility wods in your warmup to help get yourself in the proper rack position and thoracic extension
WOD – Dot Com Day
By request of Greg, here is a .com wod for you 🙂
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Row 250 meters
25 Push-ups
Zone 3 – Scale pushups to 15 reps
Zone 2 – Scale pushups as needed, scale armap to 15 minutes
Zone 1 – Scale workout as needed
Cash Out – MWOD 28
Test: Can you squeeze your butt to control over extension/loss of position of your lumbar when under extension load?
MWOD: See if you can spend 2-3 minutes tweaking with the coach stretch.
1 min each on the front of your lower legs
1 min each with your elbow on your inner lower leg
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