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Zone Games Update!

Hello Zoners!

Zone Games 3 is rapidly approaching so it’s time to take care of some details.


First off, if you haven’t registered yet… DO IT!  The registration cut-off date has been extended to Thursday, Feb 10.  There are categories suitable for everyone, check out the standards in this blog ( and/or chat with your coach to see where you fit.

Make sure to pay for your registration too!  If you do not pay, you will not play.  Your money will go towards food and prizes for the event along with the time taken to set up and run the games… so it is well spent  ; -)


WODs will be released on Thursday night – there will be three events for Intermediate and Advanced competitors and two events for Novice competitors.  Things will kick off around 9am on Sunday and wrap up by 4pm.


Anyone who wants to judge and is confident in their ability to measure good and bad reps is welcome to help out.  We will have a brief (45-60min) meeting on Friday night at 6:30 to go over movement standards.  All athletes and judges are encouraged to attend as there will be minimal briefing on the WODs come Sunday.


We are still looking for prize ideas/donations – email if you have something to contribute.


We will be providing several tasty food items and drinks for free for you to munch on but feel free to bring in dishes to share with our hungry competitors and fans.


CLASS SCHEDULE CHANGE: We have added a 12:15pm class for Friday’s!   Come and join Scoots this Friday, February 11th!

The Forum has been removed from the Navigation bar on our website.  The forum is still available until March 1st.  If you have any files on there that you would like to complete, please save them on your own computer.  To access the forum go to:

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: Select Teams of 4 and create team names – DINOSAUR THEME (i.e. “Wodosauras Rex”)

WOD:  Team Rowtations 2

Rotations of the team are on a 60 sec work/30 sec rest timer (coach will time)

Station 1 – Row for calories

Station 2 – Dumbbell Push Press (35/55)

Station 3 – Box Jumps (20/24?), step down off box on each one

Station 4 – Kettlebell Swings (top level 30-35/45-55)

3 rotations through total, lowest score for each person at each station is your score.

Zone 2:  scale push press, box jump, and kettlebell swing as needed

Zone 1:  scale movements and/or time on stations as needed

Cash-Out: Add up, stretch down


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