Thanks to all you CrossFitters who came out to compete and cheer us on in the FGB Challenge/BBBS Victoria Fundraiser. The event was a huge success! So far we have calculated a total of $1521.00 raised and we are still counting. Please make sure to get your pledges in today, so we can get our GRAND TOTAL!
CrossFit Zone wants to give a special thanks to:
- Rob and Donald for giving us a reason to Fight!
- All the teams who competed – Manpanion, Dirty Bitches, Team Staying Alive, Length Counts, The Mexicans and Team Cooooach!
- All the pledges and donations that you CrossFitters received
- Edgar and Phil for raising money for the hamburgers and hot dogs and slaving over the bbq
- A-Channel for coming out and getting some coverage on the event. (Airing – TBA)
- All our sponsors… Front Runners, Lululemon, Jim Pattison Cars Unlimited, and Olympic View
We have many photos from the event which will be posted on Flickr soon!
The Team who scored the most points was Team Manpanion – Tom, Rob, Mehul, Eric and Jeremy. Congrats boyz!
The athlete that scored the most points:
- Class A Male – Cam 317
- Class B Female – Krista 246
- Class B Male – TBA – Adam 391
- Class C Female – TBA – Bonnie 263
The person who raised the most money for BBBS was Brigit! Also wanted to give her a shout out for being a trooper to make it out and compete while she was sick. Thanks b!
If there was an award to go out for best dressed, it would have to go out to Team Stayin’ Alive
Thanks again to everyone, you made this event a major success!
Today’s Workout:
Buy-In – One arm dumbbell snatch technique
5 reps (R), 5 reps (L) x 3, increasing weight each set
WOD – “Compulsive CrossFit Disorder”
Elite –
- 100 feet walking lunges
- 21 ring dips
- 21 knees to elbows
- 100 feet walking lunges
- 15 ring dips
- 15 knees to elbows
- 100 feet walking lunges
- 9 ring dips
- 9 knees to elbows
Zone 3 – modify to assisted ring dips
Zone 2 – modify to jumping ring dips x 2
Zone 1 – modify to jumping ring dips and double crunch
Compare to July 10th, 2009
Cash-Out – 5 minutes of running, practicing POSE running technique