No, I’m not talking about a trip to Paris or the French Riviera… but about our very own France “Francey Pants” Legault! A couple of months ago I offered our Coaches a chance to try their hand at programming WODs and France eagerly stepped forward to do so.
I gave her a general template to follow but there was lots of room for her creativity to shine through – the result being a bunch of new WODs for our community to try and some reasonably tough weeks! The good thing about someone different doing the programming is that the combinations of exercises and reps and weights are different – which provides a nice change in stimulus for your bodies to adapt to.
All in all, I thought she did a great job and I’m sure she has learned a lot from both the responses of people in class and on MyFranTime and by participating in her own workouts!
France was in charge of the last three weeks plus this current week – so use the Comments section to give her some feedback or have a chat with her next time she’s in the Zone… Just don’t pick on her too much since she’s likely to be programming again somewhere down the road 🙂
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Get warm before class – focus on goblet squats and hip stretches to prepare yourself for the WOD
WOD: Tricolor
This workout combines scores from three different challenges to get your overall score for the day.
1. Front Squat 4 x 8
- Work up in weight over the 4 sets to a heavy 8 reps
- Focus on torso as vertical as possible throughout the whole movement
- Your best weight for 8 contributes to your score
2. Row intervals
- 8 rounds of 30sec rowing, 60 sec rest
- Lowest number of metres traveled in any one interval is your score
3. Wallballs unbroken
- 4 rounds of 30sec wallballs, 60 sec rest for max total reps
- If you drop the ball, stop your count for that interval
4. Add your scores up from each of the above three challenges
Cash-Out: Ring support practice
- Accumulate time holding various positions (tuck, pike, straight body)