Announcing the second Zone Games!
Now that summer is over, everyone should be back into hardcore training mode! Just in time to get ready for our 2nd Zone Games! Based on feedback we have received, everyone really enjoyed our last Zone Games, held on June 27th, 2010, and are looking forward to this next occasion. We have decided to make it a little more challenging for our members this time around by making the Games a two day event!
If you have registered for the Taranis Winter Challenge, this is a good warm-up competition for you! I have noticed that a lot of the competitors that competed in the Intermediate category at the first games have really stepped up their game and I hope that some of you will challenge yourself to compete in the advanced category!
When: Friday, October 1st – Saturday, October 2nd
Where: At the Zone of course!
Who: Athletes who want to get a taste of an official competition and who want to challenge themselves over and above the pursuit of the daily WOD. There will be two categories of athletes – Open and Advanced. Open is meant for novice-intermediate athletes who usually fit into the Zone 3 scaling, and Advanced athletes are individuals who can perform the Elite scaling on most WODs. See chart below to find out what category you fit into.
If you want to compete and you are not at the Open Level, we can scale your workouts however you will be scored below anyone who has not scaled.
What: Three events, covering as many possible time domains and modes of fitness to achieve the best all-round challenge of your abilities. Athletes will be scored by placing in all the WODs and will be ranked on the basis of their overall performance.
How: Pick up a registration form from the Zone office, complete it, and bring it in with $15 + HST ($16.80) registration no later than Sunday September 26th. Your membership discounts apply!
Athlete Category Performance Standards
Open Female | Advanced Female | Open Male | Advanced Male | |
Pullups | 10 | 15 | 15 | 25 |
Thrusters (3 rep) | 65lb | 95lb | 95lb | 135lb |
Deadlift 1RM | 150lb | 200lb | 200lb | 300lb |
Wallball | 10lb to 10? | 14lb to 10? | 14lb to 10? | 20lb to 10? |
Muscle up | – | – | – | 3+ |
Pushups | 10 from toes | 15 from toes | 15 from toes | Hspu – 4+ |
Clean and Jerk 1RM | 65+ | 115+ | 95+ | 175+ |
Today’s Workout
Buy In – Bench Press 5 x 3 Reps, Aim for 3-4 sets at 85% of your 1RM or greater. Your last set should be your 3RM. Let’s see some new PR’s up on the board!
WOD – “Burping Balls”
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
• 10 burpee wallballs (14/20)
• 15 KB swings (35/55)
• 20 double crunch
Zone 2 – as above, AMRAP in 8 min
Zone 1 –AMRAP in 8 min
• 5 burpee wallballs
• 10 KB swings
• 15 double crunch
* scale wallball, swings, and crunches to ability in terms of weight *
Games Prep – Scale kb – 55/70lbs, scale double crunch to toes to bar
This is not a burpee wallball!
Cash Out – Mobility WOD – stretch out your Goat! Find a mobility wod that works on your most inflexible area. Do your homework the night before.