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Got Mobility?

“Every human being should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves. You know what to eat, how to train, and what to do if you have a cut; you should also know how to fix your tight hips, painful knees, and stiff shoulders, and how to make yourself faster and more powerful. It’s too much to mobilize everything, all the time, everyday. Start somewhere. The Mobility Wod should take you four to 10 minutes to complete. Do it everyday. Remember the areas that feel like a Shaman’s Blow.”

~ kstar

Kelly Starrett has put together a great tool to help all crossfitters adhere to developing better habits that will lead to better mobility. The mobility wods are never more than 10 minutes long, they are simple, and have great video explanations that go along with them.

I am sure you have heard us talking about the Mobility WOD in the gym over the last few weeks.  If you have not checked it out yet, do yourself a favour and spend a few minutes a day doing the M-WOD posted daily by Kelly Starrett.

Don’t forget Yoga free trial tonight @ 7:45pm!

Today’s Workout:

Buy InFront Squat 5 x 1 Reps.  Build up over the course of five sets to a heavy single.  Ideally, sets 3-5 should be at or above 90% of your previous 1RM.


4 Rounds for time:

Run 200 meters
6 right arm power snatch (35/55)
6 left arm KB power snatch (35/55)
10 burpee pull ups

* Use a dumbbell or kettlebell for snatch

Zone 3 – Scale weight to 20/35

Zone 2 – Scale pullup in burpee pullup movement to a jumping pullup

Zone 1 – Scale as needed

Cash Out Mobility WOD on the video above, or check out link on KStar’s website.

Homework :

1. Go to
2. Bookmark it, make it easily accessible
3. Do the mobility wod posted on there everyday


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