Catherine after defeating the CF Total Gone BAD!
1. How did you find CrossFit?
I heard about it from a friend who started recently. He invited me to the open house and one visit was all it took for me to be hooked! I was blown away by the energy that everyone brought to the gym, the fun and the competitive atmosphere. I especially love how everyone sincerely cheers and supports each other during the WODs.
2. What is your favourite CrossFit exercise or WOD?
I’ve only been at CrossFit for a short while but my favourite WOD so far has been the CF Total Gone Bad. Today is the day after that workout and I can barely move! It is a great feeling but I plan on investing in some shin guards because my dead lift-bruised shins don’t look so great in a skirt.
3. How long have you been CrossFitting for?
I’ve been CrossFitting weekly for 5 weeks.
4. What do you do for a living?
I work at Custom House Ltd and at Spinnakers Brewpub but I am on my way back to Nursing School in January. I am looking forward to having CrossFit to help keep me sane.
5. What are your hobbies?
I am a rower and I am currently training for the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta which takes place this August. It is my first time training this seriously and I am excited and nervous to row at such a renowned regatta amongst some very talented rowers. I will be racing the Women’s Senior A heavyweight single, double and quad. I am that the bottom of my age category and my weight category so I am eager to see how my hard work matches up to the other ladies.
6. What are your goals?
My goals are to perform well at the BC Regatta (July 11 and 12); this race is important as it will help me prepare mentally for Henley.
I’ve been training for Henley for almost a year and my goal is to come home knowing that I absolutely rowed my best and my hardest.
I want to continue to be lucky enough to enjoy activities such as CrossFit and rowing because they keep me healthy and fit.
My biggest goal would be to stay on my workout regime even when I return to school as a full time student. Last time I was in University I stopped working out in order to focus on school; it ended up causing me more harm than good. Even though I had more time to focus on my studies I had less energy and motivation to work hard. I want to be able to balance my workouts with my school because my daily workout is what helps me get through everything else.
7. Why do you CrossFit?
I use CrossFit as cross training for rowing to help strengthen my body and my mind. Each CrossFit workout takes you to that place mentally where you want to quit and you start to convince yourself that you have nothing left. For me, that is when I reach halfway of a 2000m race – I use that CrossFit intensity to help me breakthrough that discouraging time, dig deep, and keep on kicking hard!
8. Any advice for future CrossFitter’s?
Come out and try it! Never assume it is too hard, too competitive, or not your style. There is no harm in trying it once or twice to get the feel of CrossFit. You never know, it may be perfect for you!
It is so great to have you out at the gym Catherine, you bring an amazing energy every time you walk in the door. We will get you doing a kipping pullup in no time! Oh and I forgot to mention, Congrats on beating Brian at your first baseline 🙂
Look forward to hearing how your race went this past weekend!
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Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Extended Warmup x 3 (after 2 rounds of the CFWU)
- 15 KB swings
- 10 DOuble crunch
- 100 jump rope or 20 double unders
WOD – “Where’s Tom?”
Elite – 5 Rounds for time:
- 5 reps barbell thrusters (95/125)
- 5 reps weighted pullups (unassisted strict/55)
Zone 3 – scaled to 75/115lb thrusters; 10lb kipped/40lb pullups
Zone 2 – Scaled to 55/75lb thrusters; assisted/strict pullups
Zone 1 – Scaled to 35/45lb thrusters; assisted pullups
Cash Out – Group full body stretch lead by coach