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Calling for Competitors!

With the blood, sweat, and tears of the 2011 CrossFit Games season still fresh in our minds and hearts, it’s time to embark upon another year of competitive training.  There will be a series of events available to participate in for the 2011-2012 season:

  • Zone Games V – mid September
  • Taranis Winter Challenge – early November
  • Zone Games VI – late January 2012
  • CrossFit Games Sectionals – likely March-April 2012
  • CrossFit Games Regionals – likely May-June 2012

Those of you who have participated in Zone Games and the Sectionals last year know how competition can inspire you to achieve performances you didn’t think were possible while putting a new perspective on training, nutrition, and recovery.

Last year to prepare our athletes for the Sectionals and Regionals, I formed a Zone HP (High Performance) training group.  We met typically once a week on the weekends to challenge ourselves with not only tough workouts, but with movements and modes of training that were different than we usually encounter “inside the box”.  The result was a series of tough challenges and I believe better preparation for our athletes heading into major competitions.

I am going to be starting Zone HP up again, with Sunday August 14 being the first session.  If you are interested, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you regularly complete our Zone WODs at the Rx level?
  • Are you committed to registering for the Taranis Winter Challenge?
  • Are you committed to competing in the CrossFit Games Sectionals 2012?
  • Do you train regularly on a weekly basis and are free of injury?

Make no mistake, the Zone HP sessions will be tough, with minimal (or no) scaling available.  If you are not at the level to challenge our top 10 male or female athletes in the gym then continue to train and improve your abilities until that is a reality.

If you think you ARE ready, then zip me an email at and I will forward you the details of the first session.


QOD (Question of the Day) – what are your competitive aspirations for this year?  List any and all, from entering Zone Games for the first time to taking Scoots’ place at the CrossFit Games 2012!

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: 4 rounds of – 10 kettlebell swings, 10 pvc dislocates, 10 step-down box jumps, 2 turkish get-ups

  • followed by deadlift and handstand pushup practice (find appropriate scaling) – 12 min

WOD:  “Diane”

Classic.  If you’ve got your hspu’s down, no problem.  If you haven’t, be sure to scale appropriately!

21-15-9 Rep Rounds for time of:

  • Deadlift (155/225)
  • Handstand pushups (head to floor, kipping allowed)

Zone 5: Scale deadlift to 135/205

Zone 4: Scale deadlift to 115/175, handstand pushups to 15lb plate

Zone 3: Scale deadlift to 95/135, modify hspu’s as needed but stay inverted

Zone 2: Scale deadlift to 65 / 95lbs; modify hanstand pushups as needed
Zone 1: Scale deadlift as needed

Cash-Out: Double under practice – try fast and slow ones or just try stringing them together

  • if proficient, try for 100, 200, or 300 for time


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