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Caturday WOD, Sectionals 11.6, and Competitor’s Meeting!

Yay, it’s Caturday!!!!

Team, another weekend is upon us and it’s a happening one … some meow Zoners are finishing up their CF Games Sectionals, some are gearing up for the 10k, and some are just really excited to do a team WOD as is our Saturday custom!

First things first meow, we need people to get their 11.6 WOD done.  Tomorrow afternoon at 1pm (to about 230ish) we will be hosting an official time to take it on.  I know some have already posted to the previous blog but please post again to the comments here if you are intending to come.  BONUS:  I will be pushing to the limit on this one so you will see one meow (or all) of the following:  a reasonably good score (aiming to complete round of 18… bold, very bold), crying during the post-wod delirium, and dry heaving in the parking lot.  Any way you cook it, going to be good times!

If you CANT make it at this time, post when you CAN meow make it and we will do our best to make it happen (TeeJ I know you can’t do it then but we will make sure you get an opportunity to do it either that night or Sunday).

Second, come down and pick up your TC 10k race packages during the classes tomorrow!  Also post here if you are looking to meet up at the Zone prior to the race (as I know planning for meow this is already in progress).

Third, there will be a Regionals competitor meeting on Wednesday May 4 at 630pm.  This is targeted towards those individuals who managed to secure a spot in the top 60, are interested in being involved in the Affiliate competition, or are wanting to know about or help out with the prep for Regionals in any capacity.  So if you’re not busy, come on down!  Topics to meow discuss will be training from here to the Regionals, Affiliate team selection discussion (don’t need to decide that night but there will be a deadline soon), HP wods to tune us up, and more!

Fourth, there’s a wod tomorrow, and the details are below!



Today’s Workout

Buy-in:  15 situp wallballs (scaled as needed)

  • then make a team of 3 – make sure you team up with people of similar Zones.  “Name theme” is ROBOTS

WOD:  “What the Cat Dragged in”

This wod is made up of 3 parts – teams ranked for each part!

1.  Team wallball Relay – 3 min for max relay wallballs as a group

Rx: 14/20

Zone 2: 10/14

2.  Burpee Log meowJump Relay – 3 min for max reps

  • two team members lie on ground, third does burpee then hops sideways over both team members then next person does the same
  • Rx:  two burpees count as 1 rep

3.  Box jump relay – 3 min for max reps

  • jump on box in relay fashion, only one person’s feet on box at any one time

Rx:  20/24

Zone 2:  12/20

Cashmeow-Out:  Athletes’ choice:  300 single skips or 50, 100, or 200 double unders


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