Sunday, June 13th — 9:00am – 12:00pm
Come learn the Elements of CrossFit!
This seminar will deliver a comprehensive understanding of the CrossFit program and can be seen as CrossFit 101. We offer a seamless integration into a group class where the concentration becomes more refinement of technique and development of athletic capacities.
1. Back Squat
2. Front Squat
3. Overhead Squat
4. Shoulder Press
5. Push Press
6. Push Jerk
7. Deadlift / Sumo Deadlift High Pull
8. Clean
Price: Members $FREE$ / Non Members $40
Remember that the seminar is not just for new athletes. The seminar is for all members to freshen up on your technique! If you are a new member, it is required that you attend minimum one Foundation Seminar within your first month of classes.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 5 min row @ 28 strokes per minute, focus on technique, follow up with 10 burpees
WOD – “Clash of the Titans”
This wod should be dy-na-mite! Our community at CFZ has evolved so much that there a lot of fit people vying for everyday top WOD times. I like this WOD because there are minimal scaling options – which means if you’ve got your pullup down, you’re going to do it Rx! There are also no real complex moves so it’s going to be a straight up battle to see who comes out on top… let the battle begin 🙂
Elite: 15 minute AMRAP of:
- Row 500m
- 15 box jumps (20/24)
- 10 pullups
- 5 burpees
Zone 2 – scale distance of row to 300m, assisted pullups, adjust height of box
Zone 1 – scale as needed
*****Your score is total distance traveled on the rowing erg (in metres)*****
Cash Out – Instructor – led stretch