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CrossFit According to Katie

Here’s a peek at Katie’s original work…

Awhile back, I made a post about what the word C-R-O-S-S-F-I-T meant to me.  This past weekend while we were away at the Regionals competition, CrossFit Kids Zone’s very own Katie Lee (8 yrs) was inspired to write about what the word “CrossFit” meant to her, personally.  After spending her weekend at the Games competition as a spectator alongside her family, she came up with the following:


C – Competitive

R – Resiliant

O – Olympic

S – Super

S – Solid

F – Fit

I – Incredible

T – Team

I love that, through the eyes of a child, CrossFit is all about being resiliant and solid, mixed with a blend of competitiveness and team spirit.  That tells me what we’re doing something right in the way we share our love of fitness with the kids in our Zone community!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Katie. 🙂

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: Hang Squat Clean practice

  • Coach demo with progressions
  • 5 x 5 with increasing load (but do not go heavy)
  • ?

WOD:  Jumbalaya

4 rounds of:

  • 30 sec AMRAP strict chin-ups (palms facing you) – no kicking, minimize swinging
  • 30 sec rest
  • 30 sec AMRAP strict burpees (jump onto 45lb plate with full extension and perfect pushup from toes each rep)
  • 30 sec rest
  • 30 sec row @ rate 28 for max calories (28 strokes per minute – stay as close to this as possible – slow down the movement forward but keep the power on the way back)
  • 30 sec rest
  • Low score from each station combined is your score for the day

Zone 2 – scale to pushups from knees in burpees, assisted pullups

Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash-Out: FTL stretches


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