Need inspiration? A little WOD motivation? Perhaps a reminder about why YOU CrossFit? Then you should watch this vid….
This little gem was aired at the 2011 CrossFit Games during the opening ceremonies, and is a fantastic overview of the driving attitude behind CrossFit.
For those of you who were pumped up by the quotes post yesterday, make sure to pay close attention to the narration here, as there are some really profound statements made. Also, keep a sharp eye out for all the “R.A.C.s” (*Random Acts of CrossFit*) that are shown all across the globe!
Sit back, eat a paleo snack, and enjoy…
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Today’s Workout:
Buy-in – 3 rounds of 100M run, 10 pvc dislocates, 10 goblet squats
WOD – “Nancy”
A classic crossfit workout, it’s a test of mental toughness and lower body endurance as well as stability through the upper back and shoulders.
5 rounds for time of:
- 400m run
- 15 overhead squats (65/95)
Zone 3: scale overhead squats to 45/65
Zone 2: scale to 35/45
Zone 1: scale as needed (including # of rounds)
Cash-out – Foam roll and stretch quads, hamstrings, calves