- Mehul PR’n it with 355lbs
Sunday, August 23rd — 9:00am – 12:00pm
Come learn the Elements of CrossFit!
This seminar will deliver a comprehensive understanding of the CrossFit program and can be seen as CrossFit 101. We offer a seamless integration into a group class where the concentration becomes more refinement of technique and development of athletic capacities.
1. Back Squat
2. Front Squat
3. Overhead Squat
4. Shoulder Press
5. Push Press
6. Push Jerk
7. Deadlift / Sumo Deadlift High Pull
8. Clean
Price: Members $FREE$ / Non Members $40
Register online (click on seminars tab) or in the gym
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Dynamic leg warmup, then 5 minutes of SDHP technique with PVC pipe
WOD – “Road Runner”
Elite: For time
- 800m Run
- 30 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 65/95 lbs
- 400m Run
- 20 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 65/95 lbs
- 200m Run
- 10 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 65/95 lbs
Zone 3: Scale SDHP to 55/75lbs
Zone 2: Scale SDHP to 45/55lbs
Zone 1: For time
- 500m Run
- 30 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls
- 200m Run
- 20 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls
- 100m Run
- 10 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls
* Scale SDHP weight as needed
Cash Out – 3 x 5 reps of barbell rollout; then partner hamstring stretch