If squatting on a ball is in the Team workout at Regionals, We got it! Thanks Giles 😉
~ Photo credit: Wendy Calendar
Congrats to everyone who competed and completed the CFG 2012 Open! You should be very proud of yourselves. Zoners hit PR’s in the Open as well as did things that they never thought were possible. This is why I love CrossFit and I love the Open. If you see any of these athletes in the gym, make sure to give them a big HI FIVE! Results are still being finalized, but as it stands now, here is where your fellow Zoners finished:
Lucas Parker – 5th
Steve Soley- 54th
Adam Giles – 80th
Tom James – 84th
Warren Reeves – 114th
Sam Dewett – 144th
Sean Bruce – 206th
Gord Kehoe – 225th
Jeremy Bomhof – 290th
Mike Soley – 294th
Greg Rangel – 324th
Craig Rice – 337th
Jonathan Elliot – 506th
May Pongpitpitak – 512th
Scott Wilson – 594th
Kingsley Lee – 642nd
Lindsay McCardle – 12th
Erika Howard – 90th
Alex Chretien – 153rd
Deanna Whiteley – 191st
Jackie Snell – 195th
Adrianna Haffey – 236th
Nicole Robichaud – 352nd
Kandas Lee – 385th
Masters Woman:
Heather Cameron – 210th
And our team is sitting in 11th place! We are going to Regionals 🙂
* These numbers are not finalized, they could change over the next 2 days.
We will be hosting a meeting for all the athletes who competed in the Crossfit Open on Wednesday, March 28th starting at 7:30pm. Please come out because we will be discussing training plans and extra sessions over the next month as well as discussing our Regionals team! So exciting!!!
Don’t forget to come down from 5-6pm tonight to try on some Skins and ask any questions that you may have. Classes will be run as per the regular schedule, the Skins rep will have a table set up on the side. If you are unable to get down to the gym, make sure to get your order in before 4pm today! Please email to admin@crossfitzone.ca
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Overhead Squat 5 x 3, working up in weight each set
WOD- “Winter Challenge 2010 Barbell Complex”
5 rounds for time (10 minute time cap):
9 deadlifts
6 power cleans
3 squat clean to overhead – anyway overhead is fine (thruster, squat clean and push press or jerk)
RX: 95/135lbs
Zone 4: scale bar weight to 75/115
Zone 3: Scale bar weight to 65/95
Zone 2: Scale bar to 55/75
Zone 1: Scale as needed
Cash Out – Check out the Skins! MWOD
* Stretch out psoas with back against a post
* Roll out your IT Band
* Spend a few minutes on each shoulder stretching with a band