We want to create a CrossFit movie with XtraNormal about CrossFit Zone. Please see the video above that someone created about a CrossFitter explaining what CrossFit is to a friend (Be aware that there is EXPLICIT CONTENT in the video). We want your input! Please post your input to the comments section or email. Let’s have fun with this 🙂
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Pullup progressions:
- Challenging yourself with a lower resistance rubber band
- Kipping pullup
- Chest to bar pullup
- Butterfly pullup
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
- Ring rows (feet up on a box, body parallel to ground)
- Overhead Walking lunges (25/45lb Olympic plate)
- Box Jumps (20/24)
Zone 3: Scale ring rows to feet on the ground
Zone 2: Scale as needed
Zone 1: reduce reps to 21-15-9
Cash Out – Instructor led stretch
Running WOD
Rest or Recovery run (5km – 8km)
Please post in the comments when and where you are doing your run if you would like people to join you!
100 Day Burpee Challenge:
Burpees today: 60
Buy-in: 1830