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Did you forget about the M-WOD?

What a nice rack!
What a nice rack!

This week we have done jerks, front squats, cleans and handstand pushups, all these movements require very flexible shoulders.  I have noticed that we have a lot of inflexible athletes.  I have had quite a few conversations with Zoners about how important mobility is for your health, as well as your performance in the gym.  CrossFit raves about the 10 general physical skills:

  1. Cardiovascular endurance
  2. Stamina
  3. Strength
  4. Flexibility
  5. Power
  6. Speed
  7. Coordination
  8. Agility
  9. Balance
  10. Accuracy

Yes, flexibility/mobility is one of the physical skills.  With more flexible shoulders you will have an easier time getting into any overhead position, the front rack position as well as the correct shoulder position for a handstand/ handstand pushup.   Please make it a goal for February to add the daily Mobility WOD into your regime. I promise that you will notice a huge difference in your athletic performance.

Check out K-Starr’s daily WOD at

If there is a great M-WOD you have tried and you love it, post a link to the comments for the rest of the Zoners to try!

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: Sumo Deadlift (not high pull) – 5 x 5.

  • Work up in weight each set but don’t push to max.
  • Focus on perfect back position for all lifts (i.e. tight lower back, chest up)

WOD: “Speedburps”

This wod can be done as an individual or as part of a team effort.  For teams you will need to have 4 people.  The wod will be listed in myfrantime as “Speedburps” for individuals and “Speedburps Team” for teams.  The focus is on quickness through your burpees and pullups so there is a decent amount of rest.

5 rounds for individual time of:

  • 10 burpees (make each one perfect – body vertical to finish)
  • 10 pullups

This will be done with a running clock and you will keep track of each round.  Each successive round will start at 2:30 intervals, so the faster you do the reps, the more rest you will get.

Example – round 1 will start with 3-2-1 go.  Round 2 starts when 2:30 shows up on the clock, round 3 starts when 5:00 shows up.  At the end of each round, check how fast you completed the burpees.

Your slowest round time is your score.

Zone 2 – scale to assisted pullups

Zone 1 – scale as needed

“Speedburps Team”: This is scored for total time elapsed – essentially each person does 10 burpees and 10 pullups and then the next person goes.  Each team member must complete 5 rounds.

Cash-Out: Rehydrate… don’t know how?  Ask a coach!


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