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Extra! Extra! Read All About It!


In case you’re new to these parts and didn’t know, CrossFit Zone distributes a monthly newsletter!

This electronic newsletter is intended to keep all our CrossFit Zone clients informed and up to date with the goings-on around the gym.  This includes things like:

  • Holiday hours, closures and class announcements
  • Updates on past and future Zone events
  • Community buzz from our great Zone Family
  • Details on member accomplishments and PR’s
  • Important Admin and other bulletins
  • Tips and tricks on popular and relevant topics
  • And tons of other newsworthy items you’ll find helpful!

The CrossFit Zone newsletter is a great way for us to help keep YOU in the know about what’s happening!  We put a ton of work and pride into it to keep it entertaining for you, and to make sure we’re providing the kind of useful content that will keep you informed about your favourite gym.

If you are not currently receiving our newsletter, or are experiencing a glitch in your regular receipt of the newsletter, please, Please, PLEASE let us know!  You can email your requests to Sandy at

If you haven’t already seen it, here is a link to our recent February newsletter edition.

And for the rest of you, keep on reading so you can stay on top of all things CrossFit Zone!

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: 3 rounds of – 10 pvc overhead squats, 10 kbs, 10 double crunch

WOD: “Monkey”

This is a combination of either snatches and ring dips or snatches and muscle ups.  Pick your favorite and go for it!  When scaling for snatches, keep in mind that there are 21 to do – the same weight you use for Isabel or variations of that workout would be appropriate for this wod.

Rx – 6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds of:

  • Snatches (power or squat – 95/135)
  • Muscle ups

Zone 5 – scale snatches to 75/115, substitute strict ring dips for muscle ups

Zone 4 – scale snatches to 65/95, kipping ring dips

Zone 3 – scale snatches to 55/75, assisted ring dips

Zone 2 – scale snatch as needed

Zone 1 – scale wod as needed

Cash-Out:  Foam roll and lacrosse ball upper and lower back


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