Pick up your bootstraps and pop on your tough hat. Fran has entered the building.
Unless you’ve been in a cave for the past oh, few years, you’ll know what Fran is. If you don’t, just search the internet and you will shortly know why Fran is one of the most popular and most infamous WODs in Crossfit.
If you don’t have a “Fran time”, this is your time to get one in as a benchmark. If you have one already, look to shave off some seconds or scale up a Zone to see what you can throw down.
Either way, good luck, push hard, and enjoy the journey!
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Thruster 6 x 1, working up to a max single rep. Believe it or not, this should actually help you in the workout!
- if this is your first time doing thrusters, just work on technique
- if you are experienced working with heavy weighted thrusters, try for a new 1RM
WOD: “Fran”
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
- Thrusters (65/95)
- Pullups
Zone 3: scale thrusters to 45/65
Zone 2: scale thrusters to 35/45, scale to assisted pullups
Zone 1: scale as needed
Cash-out: Cheer on your buddies, stretch quads and hamstrings.