Learn to move safe and efficiently like Scoots (photo from Regionals 2011)
Our seminar this month is going to be a little different than the Foundation seminar in the past months. This seminar will be run by our own Zoner, Dr. Kristine Salmon H.BSc DC.
Dr. Kristine Salmon is a Chiropractor, Certified Strength and Condition Specialist and an Anatomy teacher. She has a keen interest in exercise and as such looks to rehabilitate her patients with multiple tools, makings sure to ease pain, and correct the problem at hand.
Kristine graduated from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, with a Maurader Scholar designation after four years of Varsity Basketball. She continued to Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College where she completed her four year doctorate, as well as taking courses in exercise training, contemporary medical acupuncture and active release techniques.
Dr. Salmon focuses on soft tissue injuries as well as traditional back pain, and is also educated in nutrition/supplementation and loves to help her patients not only heal, but live a well and balanced life.
Functional Movement – Sunday, April 15th
9:00am – 11:00am
This seminar will be on:
- Proper lifting alignment
- Differentiate tight muscles from weak muscles
- Find what parts of your body need to be treated (ie. massage, foam roll, etc)
- Learn how to be stable in a movement
- Assess changes in your body’s movement patterns
We will be capping this seminar at 12 members to ensure everyone gets enough attention from Kristine.
To hold your spot, you must come in and pay for the seminar or contact admin@crossfitzone.ca to pay online.
Cost – $20 + HST (Membership discounts are applicable)
And just a reminder about our Easter Hours:
- Friday, Apr 6th – 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. classes ONLY. (No 10:30 a.m. lifting class, 12:15 p.m. class, or 4:30 p.m. WOD)
- Saturday, Apr. 7th – 10:00 a.m. class ONLY (No 9:00 a.m. WOD or 11:00 Intro)
- Monday, APr. 9th – 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. class ONLY. (No 10:30 a.m. lifting class, 12:15 p.m. class, or 4:30 p.m. WOD)
Today’s Workout
Buy-In: Push Press or Shoulder Press 5 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1 reps
* increasing weight each set
* working up to a heavy single
* maintain a tight core throughout the whole lift
WOD – Under-Duck
5 Rounds for time:
21 UNBROKEN KB Swings (35/55lbs)
50 Double unders
* Penalty if you break up the KB Swings is 10 burpees on the spot!
Games Prep – KB 55/70lbs
Zone 3 -break up the KB as needed
Zone 2 – scale KB to 20/35lbs, scale double under reps as needed
Zone 1 – scale to single skips (2:1), scale as needed
Cash Out – MWOD
* Stretch the calves
* Roll out your feet with a lacrosse ball
* Stretch out the hip flexors with a rubber band distraction