The Beast dominating!
~ Photo courtesy of Wendy Callendar
Carrying on with the tradition of the last two months, we will be adding an Advanced classes to the schedule. This class will begin tonight (carrying on from the CrossFit Open) starting tonight, Wednesday, April 4th. This will be a regular High Performance/Advanced class for our members and it will run from 7:30 – 8:30pm. You will need to sign in on the front desk computer like all of the other classes.
The workouts will not be the workout that is posted on the website. You will know the workout when you arrive. This will add to the fun of CrossFit, not knowing the workout ahead of time.
This class will be for members that are at the RX and Games Prep level in 85% of the workouts and invite only. If you have already been attending high performance sessions, then you are invited to attend these classes. If you are interested in taking part in these classes, please contact to see if you are eligible.
See you tonight at 7:30pm for the first throwdown!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Hang Power Snatch 5 x 1 reps. Increase weight each set working up and above the weight that you are using in the workout
* If you have not retested your HSPU’s or tested for the first time your double unders, do this in the buy in
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 hang power snatch (75lbs/115lbs)
20 sit ups
Zone 3 – scale snatch to 55lbs/75lbs
Zone 2 – scale snatch as needed
Zone 1 – scale to 3 rounds, scale as needed
Games Prep – add a 14lb/20lb med ball to the situps
Cash Out – MWOD
* Calf stretch
* Roll out shoulders with a lacrosse ball
* Pigeon pose