Hello Zoner team!
It’s 830pm on Sunday and the CrossFit Games 2011 are wrapped up and after parties are underway. The whole weekend was amazing – the excitement and energy built like a wave through Friday and Saturday, finally peaking in the late afternoon on Sunday.
The events for all categories were definitely true tests of fitness and the level of the athletes just continues to grow by leaps and bounds each year. I’d like to recount all of the amazing moments and stories to you here in this blog but I think I’ll rely on the CrossFit Games officials to fill you in with videos and articles at the games site.
One of the greatest things that is pretty unique to CrossFit is the accessability of fans to the competitors. I hope that never changes as the Games evolve and move forward. It just goes to show that this whole experience has grown from strength of community and so far it doesn’t appear that the big dollars have changed that. Case in point – at the after party at the Home Depot Centre, Rich Froning, Austin Malleolo, Coach Glassman, Rebecca Voigt, Katie Hogan, and more were all mingling in with fans… Rich even brought in his giant winners check!
It seemed like everything has gone by so quickly and the moments too numerous to count… suffice to say, it was an outstanding event in every possible way and definitely worth the trip!
If you headed down to the Games this year or watched the webcasts, feel free to share your favorite moments of the weekend in the comments 🙂 Looking forward to getting back and WODing with you all soon!
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Back Squat 5×5
- Work up in weight to a heavy 5 reps
WOD: Two Little Ones
This is a combo of a couple of our own classics – these are both meant to be short, so keep the scaling within your abilities!
1. Little Isabel – 30 snatches for time (65/95)
Zone 3 – 55/75
Zone 2 – 45/65
Zone 1 – scale as needed
2. Mini – Wallup
3 rounds for time of:
- 15 wallballs (14/20) – hit the dot!
- 10 pullups
Zone 2 – scale to assisted pullups and wallballs to 10/14
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Score each WOD separately in MFT!
Cash-Out: Easy block jog as a group 🙂