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Get Dirty, Have Fun!

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Calling all competitors! Is there anyone interested in some good dirty fun??  If so, consider signing up for the Tough Mudder, taking place during 2 days of competition on June 23rd and 24th in Whistler.  So far, at least one Zone Athlete is considering signing up for the June 23rd (Saturday) date, and we’re  wondering if anyone else at the Zone has registered yet, or would like to start a team? (If not, we know of a Zoner who is willing to create a team, and all members and friends of members would be welcome to join.)

Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. As the leading company in the booming obstacle course industry, Tough Mudder has already challenged half a million inspiring participants worldwide and raised more than $2 million dollars for the Wounded Warrior Project. But Tough Mudder is more than an event; it’s a way of thinking. By running a Tough Mudder challenge, you’ll unlock a true sense of accomplishment, have a great time, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants that’s experienced all too rarely these days.

Check out more about this event here:

If you think about it, the Tough Mudder sounds like just what CrossFit is all about;  pushing your limits with the support of your fellow CrossFitters, or in this case, Mudders! Plus, it raises money for a good cause. (And DOUBLE plus, you get a beer when you finish! 😉 )

Post to comments if you’re interested, and we can connect you to your comrades so you can be a part of a Team!

Reminder: Our Thursday 12:15pm class is a Level 1 class.  For more info on the Level 1 class, check our previous post:

Today’s Workout

Buy In – 5 sets of 1 hang squat clean + 2 Front squats,  increasing weight each set.

WOD – AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

1 attempt at max Double Unders

Then, in remainder of time, cycle through:

5 Deadlift 135/175
5 bar facing Burpees
5 Push Press 75/115lbs

And, 1 attempt of max Double Unders

Score = total reps. You must leave enough time to do your second max Double Under attempt. Consider how long it took you on the first set, and save that amount of time at the end.

Zone 3 – scale Deadlift to 95/135lbs, scale Push Press to 55/85lbs
Zone 2 – sub 200 single skips for max Double Under attempts
Zone 1 – scale as needed

* In large classes, there is an option to use dumbbells for push press 20/35lbs each hand

Cash Out – MWOD
* 2 minutes per leg – roll out upper hamstring with lacrosse ball. Sit on a box and extend your leg to get those special spots!
* 2 minutes per leg – 2-way hamstring stretch on box.  Have a bent leg, then extend the leg as straight as you can by driving the hip back
1st way: leg with the knee out to the side
2nd way: leg straight


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