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Get your pledges in!

CrossFit Victoria BC - Zone family

Just a reminder that the 24hr Treadathlon is this weekend.  That is 24hrs of fun filled events at the Zone.

Please get the word out to all your friends and family to support the cause.  Our goal is to reach $1000 from this 24hr event.

We have one treadmill in the gym and sponsors hooked up from Nuun, Natural Fitness, Il Greco, Serious Coffee, Cobs, and Popeyes.

I will be taking pledges for the wods that I do, I am going to try and do a wod every hour, well my goal is 20 workouts 🙂  So if anyone is interested in pledging a dollar amount per wod I complete, I will have a pledge sheet at the gym.

How can I donate:

Online: You can donate at

Treadathlon Mileage Pool:

Donation Box: bring money in to the gym on the day of the event and put it in the donation jar

24hrs of CrossFit: pledge an athlete per wod they complete

CF Kids: Come down and watch the Kids sweat in support of the 24hr Treadathlon Fundraiser for MS.

UFC Fight – we will have to fight on the big screen, put in a donation to watch!

Schedule of Events:

10:00am – sleeeeeeeeeeep…  if possible 🙂

If you plan on completing more than 3 workouts in the 24 hours, please talk to a coach about how to scale the workouts properly to prevent any injuries!

Other items of note:

  • Bring some food in to share if you’re going to stop by… stuff that keeps well will be good as it will be a long night (warm drinks would be good too!)
  • We will be showing the UFC fights from 7 – 10pm
  • Dress warmly as to aid with temperature regulation for Donald and Rob we will most likely have the roll-up door open (the office will be the “warm-up” room)!
  • Non-Crossfitters are welcome!  They can participate in a WOD if they bring a donation to MS
  • Coaches won’t be actively coaching classes and teaching movements, so if you do bring in a friend, be the coach for the day and show them the ropes!
  • There may be some strange costume wods going on.  There may also be Harrison doing Murph at 2:30am… feel free to join his warrior challenge!
  • There will be Lululemon prize draws happening regularly throughout the Treadathlon… but you have to be there to win!!

Today’s Workout:

Buy-in – 4 cycles through:  1 snatch grip deadlift, 1 hang power snatch, 1 snatch balance.   Increase weight each round.

WOD – “Jer-onimo”

This wod is named for our favorite giant Dutchman… well, our only giant Dutchman… Jer!   Known for absolutely crushing rows (3:03 1000m, 6:30 2000m), Jerbear is also pretty strong and flexible so can usually put a decent squat snatch together.  Jer-onimo is composed of two parts… combine your scores from the following to get your total for the day!

  1. Squat Snatch 6 x 1, working up to a heavy single rep.  If new to the movement, work on a progression as dictated by your coach.  You must pass through a below-parallel squat in the movement and this should occur when receiving the weight (vs power snatching and overhead squatting).  Work on your technique and accuracy in this movement.
  2. Rowing intervals: 30 sec on, 30 sec off x 12 work intervals (i.e. 12 minutes) for total metres ***please set up ergs on Intervals:time for 30s/30s and add up metres through the Memory function***

Cash-out – Wipe the ergs down and drink some water!


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