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Getting What You Want


It’s that time again!  It’s been awhile since we last encouraged all you Zoners to sit down and compile a complete list of goals.  Granted, many of you have written several goals on our “Goal Board” in the gym.  However, many of you have also already achieved some of those goals!

You have all spent the last number of months working hard toward your previously identified targets.  We’ve seen lots of firsts around The Zone, and we couldn’t be prouder!  There have been first muscle-ups, first Rx’d WODs, first kipping pullups, first double unders, and weightlifting improvements all across the board.  So what now?

Sure, you hit many of your marks, and are feeling pretty accomplished.  But I’m here to tell you, if you hope to continue in this vein of improvement, or even maintain your current level of fitness, you can’t rest on your laurels for long!  Becoming complacent in your abilities has several disadvantages.  For one, it’s really difficult to stay motivated when you’re so comfortable and settled in your fitness routine.  If you don’t push yourself as hard anymore, you become stagnant, and resistant to change.  Nobody likes leaving a ‘place’ where you feel secure and capable, I know.  Pushing hard, lifting more, and taking those hits in overall WOD time don’t do much for the ego at first, not to mention the pain of the struggle that will ensue!  However…  Just think of the rewards at the other end.

With these eventual rewards in mind, I’d like everyone to set aside some time in the coming weeks to sit down and identify some specific goals.  In setting and acknowledging your parameters, you can more easily see where you need to push your limits.  As I said in my last blog post about goal setting, way back in August: “Examine what it is that you hope to accomplish with your fitness, then write it down.  After you have a clear idea of where you hope to be, spend some time coming up with a plan of how to get there.  What can you do to start the process?  What changes do you need to make first?  Where do you need to challenge yourself more?  Identify a plan of action, and then get moving!” Finally, remember that your goals need to be realistic, and they need to be achievable.  Try following the SMART system of goal setting.  This ideal suggests that you set goals which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.  This is good advice!  After you’re finished writing down those goals, share them with your peers, or run them past the Coaches.  This will help you stay accountable over the long term.

So what do you say, guys?   Let’s make some progress!

ATTENTION: Donald received a call from the TC10k people today. The minimum number of people for a Team is 10, right now we have 7, and they reminded me that the deadline for Team registration is March 23rd. If you are planning on registering, please do. Or if you did not register on Team CrossFit Zone and would like to, please let us know!

Rob will be leading a run group at Lulu every Thursday at 5:15!  He would love for you to join him 🙂

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – 800m jog

WOD – “Snakes and Ladders”

This workout consists of three repetition ladders lumped together.  You will move from one exercise to the next every minute.  The repetitions you perform for each exercise are different and will increase by 1 each time you reach that exercise, see below.  Completing 8 rounds  of each exercise (24 minutes total) is the goal.  The last round of all exercises that you successfully completed is your score, partial rounds count.

Here is the format for the workout:

Burpees: start at 3 reps, every round the reps go up by 1

Pullups: start at 4 reps, every round the reps go up by 1

Wallball: start at 5 reps, every round the reps go up by 1

If the above doesn’t make sense, then this is another way to look at it:

Burpees: perform 3 reps, rest the remainder of the first minute, move on to Pullups: perform 4 reps, rest the remainder of the minute, move on to WallBall: perform 5 reps, rest the remainder of the minute (1 round completed), move back to Burpees: perform 4 reps, rest the remainder of the minute, move on to Pullups: perform 5 reps, rest the remainder of the minute, move on to Wallball: perform 6 reps (2 rounds completed)… and so on.


  • Burpees
  • Chest to bar pullups
  • Wallball (14/20) to 11 feet (clearly above dot)

Note: if your legs are very sore from Tuesday, substitute (heavy) kettlebell swings for the wallballs

Zone 4: Regular Pullups/wallballs

Zone 3: Regular pullups, scale wallball height or weight

Zone 2: Assisted pullups, scale wallball

Zone 1: Scale as needed

Cash Out – rehydrate, replenish, recover!

Running WOD

25 to 35 min tempo or hill run

Please post in the comments when and where you are doing your run if you would like people to join you!


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