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I am competing in the 2013 Crossfit Open.

by Brigit Jensen

I am competing in the 2013 Crossfit Open. I am not a Crossfit superstar by any stretch of the imagination.  I will never be Annie or Julie or Kristan (can’t wait to see her score on 13.1) and I wouldn’t kick Maddox out of bed for eating crackers (Lucas I would, could you imagine how many crumbs could get in that beard?). I am not going to make regionals individually or on a team but I am here to support my team – to get a taste of what it is about and what those games level athletes go through.

I lost my competitive drive years ago. I don’t know if it was from too much competing in swimming, skiing, basketball, mtn. biking or if it was from the reactions I would get from my brother and others about my die-hard competitiveness, but somewhere along the line it stopped. I have found through my crossfitting I can push myself but not enough. It is always up to you in a WOD, and I always gave myself permission to stop when it got just a little bit too hard. I wanted to change that so this year I signed up. I don’t have all the skills that I need-I may never do a muscle up or HSPUs to the floor but I get better and better everyday and competing in an event can teach you what you can do.

Something that you don’t realize is that you don’t always push your envelope- you try to stay safe. I am not advocating hurting yourself- there is a difference between muscle soreness and bad hurt, but trying to compete against the clock, where you can’t quit is strangely freeing- it proves you can!

I did the workout on Thursday. I did not do epically, you aren’t going to see me in the top or even the middle of the leaderboard but I did it. When I talk to my high leaderboard friends I know what they will or have gone through, I can cheer them on when they need to dig deep because I know how that feels and I know what an amazing accomplishment it is when they get 160, 170 & beyond. I am part of the community and I support each and every athlete as they achieve their own best. Most of all, I proved that I can do it-I got through 17 mins of burpees and snatches- oh boy did it suck! It makes me excited for what I get to do in 13.2.

Do I think you should do the open? Hell yes, there is still time and most of us have $20! Will you prove to yourself that you can- YES! Will it remind you what you love about Crossfit? Give you that sense of feeling and accomplishment of something you did all by yourself? Feel what the members of your Zone team are feeling during that workout and can your cheering help them get one more rep? I think we have that power.  So sign up!

It is not too late to sign up.  You have to sign up and have your score entered for 13.1 by 5pm today. 

Advanced class (downtown) – 11:30am – 12:30pm

Retest 13.1 (downtown) – 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Spectators, athletes and judges come on down!


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