CrossFit Foundations
Sunday, May 16th — 9:00am – 12:00pm
Come learn the 9 Elements of CrossFit!
This seminar will deliver a comprehensive understanding of the CrossFit program and can be seen as CrossFit 101. We offer a seamless integration into a group class where the concentration becomes more refinement of technique and development of athletic capacities.
1. Back Squat
2. Front Squat
3. Overhead Squat
4. Shoulder Press
5. Push Press
6. Push Jerk
7. Deadlift
8. Sumo Deadlift High Pull
9. Ball Clean
Price: Members $FREE$ / Non Members $40
To register please email
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Build up to a heavy (not 1RM) Clean and Jerk over 5-6 sets. If unfamiliar with the clean and jerk, the coaches will lead you through some technique work.
WOD – “Grace”
Grace is another classic CrossFit “named” WOD. Done fast and furious, it can be done in under 90sec (!) however most people will want to scale so that they complete the workout in 4-6 minutes. Generally speaking, scaling to 50-70% of your max clean and jerk (up to 95/135) would be a good idea.
We last did this workout on October 9, 2009. Check out the leaderboard on!
Here’s a couple of videos to get your juices flowing:
\”man\” grace (this one’s an up-scale, not recommended but pretty sweet)
Uneven Grace (an interesting take on the workout with girls and guys)
30 floor – to – overhead for time (aka clean and jerk):
95lb for women, 135lb for men
Zone 4: scale to 75/115
Zone 3: scale to 65/95
Zone 2: scale to 55/75
Zone 1: scale as needed
Cash Out – after everyone’s done – 3 rounds not for time of: Turkish get-ups 3 reps/side, 4 cartwheels