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Interview with Scoots

Check it out! Our one and only Lucas Parker had an interview on the morning show of CFAX 1070 last week.  Thanks to Kathleen Brandsma for setting it up.  Take  a listen to the fantastic interview as Lucas talks about his experience at the Reebok 2011 CrossFit Games as well as benefits of doing CrossFit.  The radio jockey Stephen Andrew also talked about coming down and competing against his Producer by trying the CrossFit Zone experience.  They want to come down for one month of training and see who can get the best results.

Post to the comments your thoughts on Lucas’ interview and what test you think we should use to measure which one of these guys got the fittest in the month of September.

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Today’s Workout

Buy In: Get warm before class with 3 rounds of 10 Goblet Squats, 10 PVC Overhead Squats and 10 Ring Rows


This WOD is designed to help you build a base of volume work at a submaximal effort. This will help you do strength work further down the road by creating a solid platform of volume from which to add intensity. Please scale appropriately so that all reps are as smooth as possible and no sets are taken to failure.

  • You will rotate through the exercises in order, doing 1 set then moving on to the next exercise.
  • You will have 45 seconds to complete 10 reps (i.e. lots of time) and then 45 seconds switching time to the next exercise.
  • 5 total rounds, not for time or load
  • Expect the first round to be fairly easy and the last round to be quite hard

5 rounds, not for time:

  1. Front Squat 8 reps @ 55-75/105-125
  2. Barbell Shoulder Press (no rack) or HSPU 8 reps @ 45-65/95-115
  3. Chinups (strict) 8 reps – add weight if needed

Cash Out: 50 burpee box jumps for time



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