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Gaining Perspective

Image courtesy of CrossFit HQ

As many of you know, the CrossFit Games competition saw some surprising last minute shifts this year in terms of the competitors.  There were several unexpected DNFs, the details of which have left us shaking our heads in disbelief.

One of the top contenders for the podium this year, as always, was frontrunner Mikko Salo.  Finland native Salo was the winner of the 2009 Games, and remains a well-known “beast” in the CrossFit community.

But, early on in the game this year a misfit wave during WOD 1 effectively ended Salo’s 2011 dreams of first place and thrust him into a spot where he felt none too comfortable.

Here’s the story in his own words:

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It’s encouraging to hear that the biggest take home point for Salo throughout this ordeal was that he wanted to focus on embracing the essence of the CrossFit community spirit, despite the obvious frustration of his inability to compete.  And most importantly, he asserts his realization that CrossFit isn’t everything to his life:  rather, it’s an important PART of it.  The positive spin Salo is able to maintain in the face of great disappointment should be a lesson to us all.

Much respect, Mikko.  We can’t wait to see what you bring to the Games in 2012!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Clean technique – 3 position (pockets, below knees, floor) – 5 rounds, 1 rep each position

WOD – “Rubber Meets the Road”

AMRAP in 15min of:

  • 300m Ball run (14/20)
  • Tire flips

With a Partner, choose a team name, the theme is your “Favourite CrossFit athlete”

In the workout, both partners are working at the same time.  1 partner is running while the other partner is doing max tire flips.  Your score is a total of your Runs (1 rep each) plus each tire flip (1 rep each)

* Be prepared, if class sizes are large, that we will have to do the workout in heats or some members will have to flip smaller tires.

Zone 2 – Scale wallball weight to 10lb / 24lb

Zone 1 – Scale as needed

Cash Out: – Foam roll out your back, glutes, hamstrings, hips, quads and calves


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