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Taranis Winter Challenge

~ Photo courtesy of CrossFit Taranis

Hey Zoners!

As most of you have heard, the Taranis Winter Challenge date has been set and registration opens soon!

Here is some info from Chris Schaalo about the event:

“Last year’s Taranis Winter Challenge saw all 4 qualifiers for the Games from Canada West on the podium – and the 1/2 of the winning affiliate team went on to become members of the 3rd place team in the Affiliate Cup at the games.  This compeition is no joke when it comes to having some serious badasses from 2 provinces and 1 state make the trip to throw down!  Those of you who were with us last year and the year before know that there is much more to this competition than some awards and some WODs though – non firebreathing crossfitters breaking down personal barriers, an atmosphere of spectators that can only be rivaled be the Games themselves, a weekend spent in the most beautiful place on earth Victoria, BC, and 3 darn handsome guys + 1 downright delicious little lady running the whole show make our event the absolute best time of the year (save Christmas Day)!!!

  • Registration will open September 5th, 2011 with entry fees very similar – if not exactly alike – last years.
  • Registration will close at midnight on October 21st, 2011.  This is a boatload of time to get all of your entries in.  Don’t be the late guy!
  • The event itself will run the weekend of November 4-6, 2011.
  • There will be a very minor alteration to the format to the team competition.  Don’t worry though, the same exciting head to head bracket style format will be rockin again!
  • Due to the ridiculous success of last year’s event in terms of spectating atmosphere we will unfortunately have to charge for spectator entrance so we can patrol # of patrons.   No more than a shiny $5 bill
  • individual and team competition alike anticipate the possibility of competing in a WOD on the friday evening.  This is not a for sure thing yet.
  • FitnessTown and Reebok Canada have both verbally expressed interest in commiting sponsorship to the event.  Prizes should be pretty bad-ass!!!’

For more information, check out their website:

Are you thinking about competing in the Challenge?  If so, you may want to book a Goal setting session with your Coach to make sure you are on track for the competition.

If you are thinking about competing on the team, please email

Post to the comments if you are competing this year!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In: Coach led funky movement/ dynamic warmup

WOD: “Skywalker”

This is a “station” workout and you’ll be rotating through each on a timer. Your goal is to execute as many quality repetitions as possible while not pushing to a high level of fatigue as this is a skill based workout and will not have a score attached to it (i.e. REST as NEEDED!).

  • 45 sec at each station, 45 sec rest between
  • 4 x through full circuit (24 mins)
  • Wall Walks (walk up into a handstand and back down – work with a spotter if this is your first time!)
  • Toes to bar
  • Turkish Get-Ups
  • Pistol Squats

Zone 2 – scale wall walks to inchworms (fwd,bckwd) with feet at base of wall, scale all other movements as needed

Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash Out: 2 laps around the block




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