So here is the initial list of the teams. As more people sign up, I’ll add them in. Teams were selected using a highly scientific method of writing people’s names on paper and then drawing from a jar (I then moved 2 people around so it didn’t come out stacked for one team). Also, nobody is in any order, it’s just the way they were drawn. If your name has a star that means you haven’t signed up yet but told me you would. Team captains, feel free to come up with a team name, start trash talking, make bets about the wods…..anything you feel will add to the fun factor!
Any questions feel free to ask!
Team Red Team Black
Kelly* Lisa
Graham* Chris
Laura Ray*
Colleen* Chad
Greg* Stephanie
Denise Annina
Paul Sara
Allon Bex*
Sean Jill
Joey Tammy
Nella Andy*