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Leap Without Looking


During a conversation with a client in one of my classes today, I started thinking about attitude and how it relates to a person’s willingness to try new things.  And then I saw this quote:

“I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed.  And the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying.”

Sounds pretty simple, when you put it that way.  If you want to succeed, you have to try first, right?  Well, it would seem that our CrossFit Kids have that very attitude down pat.

For the rest of the day, the more I thought about attitude and the willingness to try new things, the more I began to dwell on the examples I’ve seen of this in my CrossFit Kids classes.  There’s something really pure and amazing about the unshakeable faith in themselves that some children have.  It’s as though it never occurred to them that they might try and fail at something.   And when you harness that attitude and steer it in the right direction, what you have is a continuously developing human being who is ready, willing, and excited to take on the world and try any challenge you can throw at them!

Why can’t all of us adults be more like that?  What if we were to go into every situation without doubts, without fears, without that destructive inner monologue, without the thought that you might fail?  What if we all were to take on a new challenge with the assumption that it will eventually be surmountable with enough effort?  This is a hard concept to put into practice at times, but it is one that has endless value.

Here’s a video of one of our CrossFit Teens taking this very concept to heart.  After our Halloween WOD, Jyotish Khanna decided he wanted to “play around” with some Box Jumps.  A very short time later, he had escalated to an impressive 45-inch box and had secured his FIRST EVER Box Jump PR!

If a fearless 14-year-old can essentially ‘leap without looking’, why can’t YOU?

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: Turkish Get-ups – 1 per side x 5 rounds – increase weight each round if possible

WOD:  Goat Practice

We’ve had two hard workouts already this week, time to slow things down and work on skills.  Choose 2 goats and work on them for 20 minutes.  Focus on technique development and accuracy of movement.  Talk to your coach if you are unsure of what to work on.

Cash-Out:  Tabata Scrambled Row – 8 rounds each of alternating row and burpees – i.e. 20s row, 10s rest, 20s burpees, 10 s rest x 8.  Get some room around your erg cause this will be an exercise in not only your fitness but your ability to transfer onto and off of the erg.  Set the rowers up for “just row” – total metres traveled over all intervals as shown on screen plus total burpees is your score – workout timed by main clock.


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