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Log your scores on

CrossFit Victoria BC -

Deanna asked me to put together a blog post to describe some of the features of the CrossFit training log site that I developed (  There’s a lot of features, so I plan to try to briefly describe the most important features for members of the Zone. One of the interesting features that is not supported by some of the existing sites is integration with Facebook and Twitter.  You can automatically share your latest and greatest results as a status update in both Facebook and Twitter (see below for details).

I attempted to design the site such that it would be as open as possible without forcing users to login or register. You can do everything on the site without logging in except create new content.

The main page:

*Sign up* – To register, you just need to provide your e-mail address, a password, select the gym you belong to, and select whether you are male or female. After you submit the form, you will receive an e-mail from MyFranTime with a link to click. Once you click the link or paste it into your browser, your account will be activated. If you made it that far, you can now login. The reason I send a verification e-mail is to avoid problems with bots automatically signing up for the website.
*Today’s WOD* – Shows you the latest workout of the day posted for your affiliate ( if you are not logged in). Once logged in, you can use the Post Result button to log your result for this WOD or browse the leaderboard with the Leaderboard button.
*Latest workout postings* – Displays a real-time list of the latest logged entries from members of the site. Click the More link to see all the logged results.
*Latest workout comments* – Displays a real-time list of the latest workout comments. Any member can comment or reply to comments on a specific workout.

The site is organized into separate perspectives: members, affiliates, WODs, workouts, leaderboards, and proficiency. All of which are open to non-members for browsing.

*Members* – contains a searchable list of MyFranTime members. You can click on a member name and view their profile. A profile contains interesting information about the person, as well as their personal bests on various named HQ workouts (i.e. Fran, Cindy, etc). If you are logged in, you can post a comment to this member, similar to Wall Posting in Facebook. The member will receive an email notification letting them know that you commented on their profile.
*Affiliates* – similar to the membership list, this page provides a searchable list of affiliates. Currently, all affiliates in Canada are in the system. Any member can create a new affiliate.
*WODs* – This page contains a searchable list of all posted Workouts of the Day (WODs) for an affiliate. If you are not logged in, it will show you the history of WODs. If you are logged in, then you’ll see WODs from your associated affiliate (i.e. Crossfit Zone). There’s also a calendar view that you can use to see all WODs posted for a given month for your affiliate. You can use this view to post your results or browse the leaderboard for a specific WOD.
*Workouts* – This page contains a searchable list of all workouts in the system (currently 180). You can also filter workouts by types (e.g. time-based, rounds), categories (e.g. named, your affiliate, workouts you created), or simply organize by the most recent. You can also filter by tag names that are associated with a workout. These are single words that describe some part of the workout like AMRAP, push-ups, pull-ups, etc. Any user can create a new workout. The workout will be public and any member can post results for that workout. Only coaches of an affiliate have their workouts associated with a specific CrossFit affiliate. By clicking a workout name, you can view more details about that workout, including user comments and videos.
*Leaderboards* – Similar to other sites, you can browse people’s personal bests for workouts based on specific affiliates or all time records. This is a great way to see how you compare to other members.
*Proficiency* – The proficiency link allows you to compare your current fitness level across different levels of fitness. For example, you can see how your max clean and jerk compares to what an elite CrossFit athlete should be able to lift based on your body weight. If you are logged in, your best performances that have been recorded will be automatically populated in the form. If not, some default example values are provided. There’s several different visualizations available for seeing how your results compare. You can also print or e-mail this material.

As a member, your primary activity, unless you’re a coach, will probably be logging your results. Below are a few of the member features related to results logging.

*Logging results* – Once you login, you’ll see a new set of menu items along the top: My Profile, My Results, and Logout. If you click My Results, it will take you to a list of all your recorded results. You can log a new result directly from this page by click on the “New log entry” link at the top. However, the easiest way to log results is usually to first go to the Workouts page, search for the workout you performed and click the Post Result button. Also, you can post results for the current WOD by click the Post Result button on the main MyFranTime page.
*Facebook and Twitter* – After you log a new entry, you will see at the top of the screen some information about sharing the result on Facebook or Twitter. You can click the provided links to automatically update your status on either site. If you wish to share an older result, simply find it in the My Results section, click the Edit link and at the bottom of the edit form will be links to share the information on both Facebook and Twitter.
*Exploring your results *– Similar to WODs, you can browse your results either in a list format or by electing the Calendar view. The Calendar view will show you all your logged entries on a month by month basis.
*Reporting* – Also from the My Results link, you can create a report for a specific set of workouts. For example, you can click the Reports tab under My Results, adjust the Start date of the report to say July 1, 2009 and do a search for Fran. This will show you all your logged results for the workout Fran since July 1st, 2009. Once you produce the report, you can e-mail the results to your coach or download the results and explore them in a tool like Microsoft Excel. For those performance analysis enthusiast out there (and you know who you are), it can be a great way to explore and visualize your performance gains.
*Importing* – Existing logged entries from other sites or systems can be bulk imported through the Import tab. The top of the screen provides instructions for how to do this. One of the limits of this import feature is that you cannot bulk import any notes you stored about a particular result. Also, you can only import results from workouts that match against the existing workouts in MyFranTime. If you try to import a result from a workout that the site doesn’t know about, then it will ignore it. To import from say, the simplest thing to do is login to, go to My Profile, click the Logbook tab, then using your mouse, highlight and copy all the results listed in the table. Paste this information into MyFranTime’s import utility and click Import. This is a very quick way to import your existing results, but unfortunately since the table does not list the log entry dates, that information cannot be easily imported.

That’s just a brief introduction to some of the features of MyFranTime. If you ever have questions, suggestions or problems with the site, just leave a comment on my profile or talk to me at the gym. In the future, when I have time, I’d like to support nutrition logging, commenting on individual member results, and more integration with Facebook.

~ Sean Falconer

Today’s Workout:

Buy-In3 sets of 3 turkish get-ups per side

WOD – “Can’t Skip The Wallballs” – compare to:  Aug 26th –

Elite/Zone 3: : 6 rounds for time:
• 20 wallball
• 30 double unders

Zone 2: Scale to 4 rounds for time
• 20 wallball
• 20 double unders/80 skips

Zone 1: Scale to:
• 10 wallball
• 10 double unders/40 skips

Cash-Out Max pushups, 1 set!




100 Day Burpee Challenge:

Burpees today:  4

Buy-in: 10


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