There will be a class at the gym at 10:00am today!
Hey CrossFit Zoners!
Just a reminder that your fellow athlete and coaches are competing in the CrossFit Winter Games Challenge at CrossFit Taranis today. We are scheduled to be at the gym at 8:30am and workouts commencing at 10:00am. We will be competing in 3 workouts through out the day. This will be a full day a event, so come on down anytime to show your support!
The athletes competing are:
- Sean Falconer – Spidey
- Mehul Gandhi – M-Train
- Cam Birtwell – Turts
- Krista Kitson – KDF
- Lani Shields
- Deanna Whiteley – Angry Kitten
Why don’t we have a nick name for Lani? Or do we? Post to the comments…
Check out the details of the challenge:
Schedule of Events:
8:30am – 9:30am – Registration ( we will receive our heat numbers and times)
10:00am – WOD # 1
3 Rounds:
- 1 Power Snatch
- 5 Overhead Squats
- 5 Squat cleans
- 50 Double unders
Advanced Male – 135lbs / Advanced Female – 85lbs
Intermediate Male – 95lbs / Intermediate Female – 65lbs
12:40pm – WOD # 2
For Time:
- 1 Mile run
- 30 Box Jumps (20/24)
- 30 Burpees
- 30 Wall Balls (14/20)
- 30 GHD Situps
Intermediate category – scale reps to 25; sub ab mat situps
3:00pm – WOD #3
Advanced Male:
12-9-6 Reps for Time:
- Deadlift (275lbs)
- Muscle ups
Advanced Female/ Intermediate Male:
12-9-6 Reps for Time:
- Deadlift (225lbs)
- Chest to bar pullups
- Ring dips
Intermediate Female:
12-9-6 Reps for Time:
- Deadlift (155lbs)
- Pullups
- Pushups
Heat 1 will begin at the start time. I am not sure how many heats there are.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Clean and Jerk basics – 20 minutes
WOD – Team Grace
- In teams of 3, complete 90 reps of clean and jerk (Elite: 95/135lb)
- Only one person may go at one time
- All team members must complete 30 reps, no more, no less
- Scale weights as follows: Zone 4: 75/115, Zone 3: 65/95, Zone 2: 45/65, Zone 1: scale to ability
- One bar per team – strategize for weight changes!
Cash Out – 500m run then go cheer on the Zone Competitors at the Winter Games!
100 Day Burpee Challenge:
Burpees today: 5
Buy-in: 15