Just a reminder about our Canada Day Long Weekend hours in effect:
Saturday, June 30th
Those of you who have signed up will be attending Craig’s Wilderness WOD 2 at 9:30 a.m. (see info below about the wod)
Our regular 9:00 a.m. class and 11:00 a.m. Intro Session will be cancelled. We will ONLY be running our 10:00 a.m. class.
Monday, July 2nd
We are running our 9:30 a.m. class ONLY
All other classes are cancelled!
Tomorrow Sat. the 30th at 9:30am to 11:00am is the Wilderness WOD at Willows Beach for those that signed up. A few people had to bail last minute, so if you didn’t sign up and want to come out just let me know, I should be able to handle a few more.
At 11:00am we’ll fire up B’s BBQ… which I’m calling the BBBQ and all are welcome.
The weatherman is calling for rain, which just makes things that much more fun. I like to think that there is no such thing as bad weather, just improper clothing. So if it’s rainy or windy in the morning, wear a few layers, preferably with a waterproof layer on the top. Once we get going you will be getting wet (from sweat or rain) and dirty, so don’t wear anything that you cherish and would hate to see ruined. Bring some water in a bottle and some meat and snacks for afterwards… shoes and shirts are entirely optional.
~ Craig
Enjoy your Stat Holiday, Zoners!
Today’s Workout
Buy In – Coach led dynamic warmup
WOD – “The Skinny”
In a team of 4-5 members, complete:
Team plate carry (25/45) around the block (total of 2 plates)
Then: Conga line of
30 Box jumps (20/24)
30 KB swing (35/55)
30 Double unders
30 Burpees
300m Row
OH walking lunge 50 metres (25/45)
Once all partners get back, one partner will start at the box jumps. The next person is not allowed to start until the partner in front of them is finished the reps.
Zone 3 – scale plate to 15/35lbs
Zone 2 – scale KB to 20/35lbs, scale to single skips (90)
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash Out – Go meet the Zoners at Willows beach for a BBQ beach party!