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Member Milestones

It was brought to my attention that for some reason, the Member Milestones portion of the latest newsletter displayed differently on certain computers, and was unreadable for some unfortunate folks.  This is a tragedy, as I know how much you all look forward to seeing your name in print next to your accomplishments!

For those of you who had difficulty deciphering that column of the newsletter, this is for you:

Member Milestones

Check out some of our latest Member PR’s and Milestones from the month of September…

Adrianna H.– With an excellent score of 515lbs, Adrianna did some great work on the CrossFit Total!

Jon E.– Jon is a Back Squatting fiend, with a new PR of 215lbs. Nice!

May P. – May is focused on increasing his strength, and as a result he has a Back Squat of 215lb.  That’s 1.65 times his body weight, by the way!
Paul L.– A force to be reckoned with, Mr. Lance completed “Annie” in 6:02, and “Cindy” with 20+ rounds!
Kandas L.– Consistent practice pays off; Kandas can now do 16 pushups in a row!
Chris H.– Chris is proving to be a powerhouse, and now has a 175lb Thruster, and a 385lb Deadlift!
Scott W.– Scott is no slouch, and can fire off “Grace” in 3:55, as well as complete a 185lb Push Jerk!

Greg R.– After almost daily attempts, Greg can now bang out 3 consecutive Muscle Ups. Great work!

Dave B.– Dave reached new heights when he scored a 30lb PR, finishing a 185lb clean! All in a day’s work!
Sarah W.– Sarah should be proud of herself for completing “Jackie” in 10:19. Way to go!
Allan J.– Mr. Jackman has several PR’s to sing about! Just to name a couple, he completed a 500m row in 1:26, and got 2 consecutive Muscle Ups!
Lucas P.– As if he wasn’t already amazing enough, Coach Scoots has posted a new Push Press PR of 255lb.  Holy crap!!
Kathleen B. – Kath has superhuman strength and can do a 170lb Back Squat! Great work!
Mike S.– Mr. Soley ought to be mighty proud of his new 145lb Thruster PR! Amazing.
Jeremy B.– It may be a long way down for a tall fellow like Jer, but he’s still got a Front Squat of 285lbs!
Gord K.– Gord has hit the Benchmark WODs hard, finishing “Diane” in 7:23, Liz in 9:23, and “Kelly” in 23:37. Hurray!
Greg R.– Hard work has paid off for Greg in the form of a 9:10 “Helen” time! Keep it up!
Lindsay F.– Training for the Winter Games has made Lindsay stronger than ever. She’s now completed an 85lbs Snatch!


Have YOU gotten a new PR or done something you’re proud of lately? Make sure to record it on our PR Whiteboard, so we can include your achievements in our next Newsletter!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Turkish getups 10 right arm, 10 left arm.  Start with a moderate weight and increase over the 10 reps.  Try to challenge yourself and use a kettlebell pointing straight up, use a barbell, a medicine ball, or a person…

WOD –  “Blake”

Four rounds for time of:
100 foot Walking lunge with 25/45lb plate held overhead
30 Box jump (20/24)
20 Wallball shots (14/20)
10 Handstand push-ups (head to ground)

Zone 3:  Scale HSPU to 1 abmat

Zone 2:  Scale lunge to 10/25lb plate, WB to 10/14lb, HSPU as needed inverted

Zone 1:  Scale workout as needed

Cash Out – Group stretch


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