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New space, new events, new ideas!

Are you as excited about the new space as I am?  There is so much potential and it is nice to have a place we can have to call our own for the long-term!  The Zone family has come together and put in some long, long hours.  The extended family has been amazing!  Thanks to everyone who came by and helped out for even an hour!  We will post a huge thank you in the future to make sure we don’t miss anyone.  In the meantime, thank you now for your help.  You are making this gym everything that it is!

You may have noticed that there haven’t been many events lately.  Things have been on hold for a few reasons: moving being the biggest reason, and also myself (Brigit) being away for the last few months.  I figured it was time to update you on a few things in the pipeline at the moment…

We will be having a housewarming to welcome us to our new digs.  Keep an eye out, as the date is still to be announced. (It is all dependent, of course, on how fast we get everything functional!)

Have you got your costume ready?  The yearly Halloween WOD is coming up October 29th, so get ready to do a fun WOD dressed up as your favourite superhero, animal, coach, or whatever your imagination can come up with!

The Crossfit Taranis Winter challenge is coming up on November 4-6th.  If you aren’t competing, come down and support our Zone crew, spectator weekend tickets are sold out but there will be 50 tickets per day for those who arrive at the event early.

Our Zone Christmas Party, a charity Fight Gone Bad Challenge and a New Building Open house are also on the radar.

b’s Projects

The new space has given me a few ideas and I need your help!

1.  Zone Library- We discuss the nutritional and workout philosophy books we read frequently, now you can share with your Zone friends!  I am instituting a library where you can bring in CF related reading material to lend to other members.  If you have something you would be interested in lending to your friends, bring it down.  There is  a sign-out sheet, and you can always get your books back anytime you need them.

2.  Inspiration Wall- Deanna and I have been talking about this for a while now.  We are going to be creating a wall of inspirational quotes and thoughts to help you get through that tough WOD, but we need your help!

Question of the Day:  Do YOU have any inspirational quotes or sayings that get you through a tough workout?  Please post to the comments section, so we can maybe steal it! (Reminder: please reference any quotes as appropriate.)  If your favourite quote or saying is on the longer side, please email it to me at!

Today’s Workout

Buy-in:  3 rounds – 10 pvc overhead squats, 10 walking lunges, 10 kettlebell swings

Then – 10 min warmup to WOD weight, tech work with coach for newbies

WOD:  EFA (Extra Frickin Awesome)

Hey gang, this one will be a gooder – be sure to scale appropriately – the weights should be heavy for ya but manageable in unbroken sets.  This is a brand new WOD also, so show up and set the bar high!

6 rounds for individual time of:

  • 5 power snatch (95/135)
  • 5 thrusters (95/135)
  • Each successive round starts on a 3 min timer, so get your reps in quick!
  • Your slowest round and fastest round combined are your score

Zone 4:  scale bar weight to 75/115

Zone 3:  scale bar weight to 65/95

Zone 2: scale bar weight as needed

Zone 1:  scale wod as needed

Cash-Out:  Lacrosse ball upper back and shoulders – lean into a wall, expose your muscles, and find the angry bits!


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It’s a Fight Gone, Whatt?

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