Only ten more days left to increase your strength in your handstand pushup and then it is time to retest!
Are you getting stronger?
I wanted to give a shout out to Emily Sinex, Dave Sinex and Susan Jobbins. I see these three up against the wall every-time that they are in the gym. They are determined to improve on their handstand or handstand pushup.
Coaches, what athletes do you see working on their handstand pushup regularly?
Question for all members:
If you could pick the skill of the month for April, what would it be and why?
- Muscle up
- Pistol
- Double under
- Snatch
- Clean
- Jerk
- Pullup
- Rowing
- Other
The highest number of votes we get for one movement just might persuade me, so don`t be shy 🙂
Today`s Workout:
Buy In – Split Jerk technique – work through 30 perfect reps with a PVC Pipe or a bar ONLY!
- Hit full extension of the hips before splitting
- Quick dip down and rebound up with a tall chest
- Split the legs evenly
WOD – Nurwor or Partner Nurwor
5 rounds for time of:
- 500m row
- 400m run
Partner Nurwor is the same with one partner on each task – when one person is running, the other is rowing. When both are done, switch tasks until you have both completed 5 rounds of running and rowing
Zone 2 – for both: scale to 200m run, 400m row
Zone 1 – scale as needed
* If the weather is stormy, do 5 x 500M row (rest 1:1)
Cash Out – MWOD
- Roll out your calves, quads, low back and hamstrings
- Stretch out the hamstrings with a band
- Calf stretch