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October Accomplishments

CrossFit Victoria BC - Zoner's rocking out tabata pullups
Zoner's rocking out tabata pullups

Here are a few amazing results of our CrossFit Zone athletes!  October has been a great month of accomplishments, too many to recognize.  If there is something that you do over the next month that you want to brag about,  let us know! Every month, we’ll showcase CrossFit Zone athlete’s accomplishments.

Harrison – passed his dive course
Rob and Donald – Ran 300km for BBBS Victoria
Dan – got his first muscle up
Jen A – Passed her full day policing assessment  at the Justice Institute with with high scores!
CFZ raised $1909.60 for BBBS Victoria in the FGB challenge
Brian, Catherine and Teresa – recording their food journal consistently online
Tara, Jasmine, Catherine, Brian, Sean F, Mehul, Jeremy, Rob, Donald and Deanna ran races in the Royal Victoria Marathon
Kiersten – got her first kipping pullup
Sean F – completed Christine in 8:26, which was 4 seconds off the top Christine time in all the CrossFit world.
Deanna – 15lb PR on deadlift – 200lbs
Eric and Teej – new pullup PR’s 34 and 44

If we missed a milestone for you that you are very proud of, please post it to the comments section so everyone can share it with you!

Just call you Khalipa, Sean!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Coach Boz Overhead squat warmup.  Followed by 3 x 5 Overhead squats with moderate weight, focusing on full range of motion and maintaining active shoulders throughout the full squat.

WOD – “Jackie”

Elite: For time:
* 1000 meter row
* Thruster 45 lbs (50 reps)
* Pull-ups (30 reps)

Zone 4: assisted pullups

Zone 3: scale thrusters to 35lbs

Zone 2: For time:
* 750 meter row
* Thruster 35 lbs (30 reps)
* Assisted Pull-ups (20 reps)

Zone 1: For time:
* 500 meter row
* Thrusters – scale weight as needed (30 reps)
* Assisted / Jumping Pull-ups (20 reps)

Cash Out – AMRAP Double Unders in 1 min
Rest 1 min x 5


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