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Olympic Lifting Competition on Saturday!

Scoots setting up to snatch 205lb
Scoots setting up to snatch 205lb

Sooooo…. In case you’ve totally been in your shell for the last couple of weeks and didn’t realize it, there’s going to be an Olympic Weightlifting competition this Saturday (Aug 7) at the PISE building at Camosun College Interurban.  So far, there are about 15 people attending, with a good 11 or 12 of those being Zoners!  Anyone and everyone are welcome, as long as you know what the snatch and clean and jerk are and can complete them safely 🙂  No registration necessary, just show up at the times listed below and represent…

The women will start lifting at 12 noon, so you all should be there by 1130 at the latest to weigh in (scores will be based by bodyweight).  Guys will lift starting at 2pm, so be there by 130 at the latest (earlier is better so we can cheer on the girls!).

There will be space to warm up with bumpers and bars, no worries there.  You will need to know what you plan on opening with for the snatch and c+j, and you will need to know these numbers in KILOGRAMS.  You should also have an idea of what jumps in weight you would like to use as you head up towards your max.  To convert, divide your max in pounds by 2.2 to get the equivalent weight in kilos.  Remember, there’s no limit to attempts but if you miss twice in a row, you’re finished!

Upon arriving at the PISE building (pay parking is available, you will get a ticket if you don’t pay!), head in through the main glass sliding doors and take the stairway down to your left.  Stop off at the front desk of the weight room and mention that you’re there for the competition and you will have to sign a waiver as well.

ALSO, I figure since this is being put on for free by my friend Matt, it would be nice of us to compete “by donation” so that he can cover the costs of starting up his weightlifting club.  If you have any spare money (maybe $5-10), please feel free to bring some by so we can help him build his training group!

Bonus – you might just get an extended tour of the building and see where Michelle and I work if you’re lucky (or interested… haha).

See you tomorrow, post questions to comments.

Today’s Workout:

Buy-in: Team formation (in threes), name making, overhead squat tech/practice as needed.

WOD: Team Nancy

In a team of three, each person must complete the following components of the “Nancy” workout.  Only one person going at a time!

4 rounds of:

  • 200m run
  • 10 overhead squats (65/95)

The way it will work is as follows – first person runs 200m, second person runs 200m, third person runs 200m.  Then, first person does 10 overhead squats, second person does 10 overhead squats, third person does 10 overhead squats.  That constitutes 1 round.  Repeat for three more rounds!  Fun times!!!!!

Cash – out: cheer on the gang in the Olympic Lifting Competition… spectators welcome!!


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