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CF Open Meeting

We are hosting a meeting to talk about the CrossFit Open on Wednesday, February 27th at 7:30pm for judges, volunteers and athletes. Athletes and Judges are encouraged to come to this meeting. We will discuss format of the Open (when the WODs will be held at Zone) and movement standards.

If you are interested in judging the Open, we strongly recommend taking the online course. While it is not mandatory to take this course for the Open, it is required if you want to judge at Regionals. Please contact Billie Jane ( if you’re interested in volunteering as a judge at the Open. Competitors are strongly encouraged to attend.

Out of curiosity, who has taken (or plans to take) the online course CrossFit Judging Standards? Scott W. and Bille Jane have completed the course and I will be very soon. Anyone else? She would like to list the “certified judges” so they can be tasked with responding to questions any competitors/volunteer judges might have.

Some people might not want to compete, but want to be involved. Volunteers are much needed and always appreciated =) Chat with Billie Jane if you have questions.

At the meeting, we will be asking for volunteers from our “audience” to demo good and not good (“NO REP”) movements, this might even serve as an opportunity to get feedback if you’re not sure about your form/technique.

The following movement standards will be covered:

  • Squatting
  • Overhead
  • Pulling
  • Hanging

We have lots of information to cover in a hour – come with questions, be ready to listen, and start getting amped!


Open Gym (Pembroke)

  • 8:00am – 9:30am
  • 10:30am – 12:15pm
  • 1:15pm – 4:30pm

Workout of the Day:

Buy In – Mobility

20  Minutes to establish 1  RM  Push Jerk

WOD – “Prison  Rules”
Thruster 2 Reps every 15 Seconds
for 16 intervals

RX – 155/105
Zone 4 – 135/95
Zone 3 – 115/75
Zone 2 – 95/65
Zone 1 – scale as needed

First Rep should be a squat clean

Cash Out – roll out the shoulders with a lacrosse ball

Extra Credit – 5 rounds of:
5 Toes to bar (strict)
5 HSPU (strict)



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