Hot off the press…
WOD 5 offers up the longest AMRAP we’ve seen in this year’s Sectionals – a full 20 minutes! Since it’s a fairly long time frame, this wod will be all about trying to stick with a pace throughout the whole time as opposed to going out super fast and burning out 7 minutes in.
Those of you who have been watching the Games website will also have realized that WOD 6 has been released but we will cover that in an upcoming blog.
WOD 5 looks to be limited mostly by the toes to bar component – much like WOD 2 was limited by how much endurance each person had on pushups. There are power cleans and wallballs in there too to make things fun. Check out a full description of the Games wod here.
Since we are limited in the number of wallballs that we have available, we will be doing a team version of this wod. If there are enough wallballs and space for barbells and you would like to do the actual Games wod, then feel free to do so as long as your coach agrees. If you are registered on the Games site then try to attend Wednesday night or one of the other times we will be offering judged wods (likely Friday evening and Sunday).
From a judging standpoint, the following items should be covered:
- full standing extension of the body with a defined rack position for the power cleans, to the floor each time
- toes to bar – feet must past behind a vertical line coming down from the bar at the bottom of each rep, both feet must touch the bar at the top
- full depth squat on the wallballs (crease of hip below top of knee), ball to height of dot or higher (does not have to hit dot directly) – note 9 feet height for females
- definitely review the standards as posted on the video
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: full crossfit warmup before class
- pick a partner (or if classes are big, team of 3)
- form a team name
WOD: “Sectionals 11.5 Team”
20 minute amrap of:
- 5 power cleans (100/145)
- 10 toes to bar
- 15 wallballs (14lb to 9 feet/20lb to 10 feet)
- 1 partner does 5 power cleans and 10 toes to bar while other partner does 15 wallballs
- when both are done they switch
- total reps achieved by the team is your score
Zone 4: scale to knees to elbows
Zone 3: scale to 5 ttb/kte per round, cleans to 75/115
Zone 2: scale to double crunch, cleans to 55/75, wallballs to 10/14, consider 10 min amrap
Zone 1: scale as needed
Cash-Out: 1k easy jog followed by group stretching