Jean having a blast during her first Open (Photo Credit – b)
Our team is sitting in 37th place after the first workout. Thanks to the community for coming out to support the athletes by cheering, judging or taking video footage. There was an amazing energy in the gym while athletes were testing the workouts Friday – Monday. It looks like everyone pushed as hard as they could. All the athletes should be very proud!
Top scores in the gym:
Individual Woman – Kiana with 315 reps
Individual Men – Lucas with 353 reps
Masters 40-44 Woman – Nicci with 189 reps
Masters 55-59 Woman – Stephanie with 269 reps
Masters 60+ Woman – Sandy with 158 reps
Masters 40-44 Men – Barry with 261 reps
Masters 45-49 Men – Greg with 270 reps
Congrats to those that are competing in the Open for the first time: Jean, Gabe, Oscar, Phil, Sandy, Fred, Norma, Lionel, Brandon, Jill VG, Lindsay VG, Kiana, Trever and Nick P